𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔯𝔱𝔶 𝔬𝔫𝔢

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society is suckin on your dick, and since i got a pussy i'm a bitch

"mine!" jaemin called out, quickly moving to the side to hit the ball with his forearms

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"mine!" jaemin called out, quickly moving to the side to hit the ball with his forearms. it bounced off in the direction of chohee who simply set the ball next to the net only for yujun to jump up and spike it down into the sand next to jisung who looked like his life just flashed before his eyes.

"god damn yujun! that ball was on like fire what the fuck." haechan called out, running to grab the ball. "i should've remembered she was on the volleyball team at our school. everyone was scared of her." jisung said, biting his lip and regretting his decisions to play against her.

"wait yeah she was on the team and always hung out with that one girl, bae yunwong." jaemin snapped his fingers, nodding to show he remembered. "ah, my best friend and first kiss." yujun laughed, looking at the sky for a moment. "wonder how she's doing."

"i wasn't your first kiss? that kinda hurted me shawty bae." jeno said jokingly, clenching his hand onto his heart. yujun laughed, shaking her head at the younger while everyone stood there with wide eyes.

"you and jeno kissed!?" jisungs voice cracked the higher it went, eyebrows raised high. "HAHA LMAO yeah we did. still got the bracelet shawty bae?" yujun held out her wrist that showed the very shiny bracelet on her wrist.

jeno smiled, holding out his bracelet as well. "of course bestie." he chuckled, letting it jingle. "what the fuck!?" jisung coughed out, looking at everyone else to check if they were feeling the same way he was.

jealous. envying. disappointed? no one else was feeling that?

sure he wasn't exactly adherent to the idea of drunk yujun kissing him but that doesn't mean he didn't... enjoy it. and there. he said it.

maybe he did enjoy it. maybe he did look at the dark marks that littered his body and admire them for an hour this morning. maybe he wanted to be the only one to kiss her.

he didn't know what that meant but he sure as hell was gonna figure out.

"hey! do you have room for a few more?" their attention was caught by a group of shirtless boys who had walked up next to the game. everyone looked at yujun and mark to ask them if thry wanted to join.

"i'm gonna sit down for a while." jeno smiled, leaving his spot to sit in the sand where hye and emiko sat with their stuff. renjun nodded his head, following after the younger.

"sick then we have enough to play six against six." mark said, signaling for yujun chohee donghyuck and jaemin to come to their side. once they were with each other yujun grabbed the ball from mark, walking towards the net.

"i'm yujun, that's mark chohee haechan jaemin mark and finally jisung. we're all from korea but me and mark speak english fluently so, if you have questions just ask us i guess." she explained with a smirk.

𝔦𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔷𝔢 𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔢𝔢𝔱𝔰-𝔭𝔧𝔰 Where stories live. Discover now