𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔯𝔱𝔶 𝔱𝔥𝔯𝔢𝔢

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"do you know i own an expensive country club?" the bunny faced man smiling flirtatiously, leaning his head in his hand

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"do you know i own an expensive country club?" the bunny faced man smiling flirtatiously, leaning his head in his hand. "yes doyoung, i know you own multiple." yinxiu answered, confused as to why the drunken man was acting this way.

"i also have multiple expensive cars and vacation homes you know." he scooted closer, smile growing. yinxiu chuckled awkwardly, looking over at gyuri who was watching the man fail to flirt with his assistant in disgust.

"young you gotta stop flaunting your money, that's no way to get a girl." gyuri rolled her eyes, slapping the male on his bicep to which he flinched and held his arm close to him with a pout.

"shut the fuck up gyuri, i'm trying to make a move like you told me to." he hissed, glaring at the woman before turning back to yinxiu who looked confused as ever. "so as i was saying, my cars-"

"doyoung your phone isringing!" yuta slurred from the end of the table, holding up the olders phone. "answer it for me shithead!" doyoung groaned, throwing his head back.

"okay!" yuta cooed, tapping answer on the face time call. the minute he did he was met with the sight of emiko with a panicked look on her face. she signed something with her fingers, attempting to spell it out with her lips as well but the drunk man with the phone in his hand only squinted at the device.

"uhh doyoung, little eguchi is throwing up her gang signs again." he drawled out, looking back at doyoung. "ah i got this one, give." johnny held out his hand for the phone, accepting it from yuta and smiling at emiko when she popped up on the screen.

"what's wrong little sis?" he raised a brow, watching her attempt to sign while walking down the road. "yujun and the others got into a fight with these americans they played volleyball with so now they're all being taken to the police station." she signed, giving a scared look to the camera.

johnny furrowed his eyebrows, trying to figure out if he had translated that correctly. "so wait wait- yujun chohee hye and the boys got into a fight with americans and ended up in trouble with the cops?" he asked slowly, looking up at the other adults at their table in the club who were now looking at johnny.

emiko nodded profusely into the camera, eyes beginning to tear up again. "please hurry johnny, i'm scared." johnny nodded, assuring her they'd come quickly and for her to just send where she was at.

"we have some kids to pick up from the police station." he smiled passive aggressively, standing from the table and signaling for the rest to follow.


"oh my fucking god SHUT THE FUCK UP." chohee glared at the youngest girl, getting completely tired of the amount of sniffing she was doing. "i fucking would if they would've given me a tissue." hye hissed, holding her hand to her still bleeding nose.

"please be more quiet at least. i have a headache." renjun groaned, banging his head against the wall. "that's not gonna help idiot." chenle rolled his eyes at the older.

"i miss yujun." jeno complained, holding himself.

speaking of yujun.

the girl had been escorted to a different cell, surprisingly one with her still very out of it friend.

"don't try to fight with this one. you two beanstalk." the officer pointed at both of them warningly, jisungs head lifting to look at who had entered his cell.

yujun was just as surprised to see him, the boy looked drained. his eye was purple and he had a cut on his lip, hair a mess and clothes still sandy.

"sheesh, what happened to you brov." was the first thing yujun said, laughing a little at the sight of him. jisung couldnt help but let out a small laugh, rolling his eyes at the older. "i could say the same to you." he rasped out.

yujun smiled, walking to sit next to the boy. there was a minute of comfortable silence, yujuns hand simply going to reach for jisungs. the boy was surprised, watching as she began to play with his bruised fingers.

"i fought hye." yujun snorted, causing jisungs head to snap in her direction. "you fought her right now?" he asked, eyebrows raised in amusement. yujun laughed along with him, nodding her head.

"she just doesn't shut up. i was irritated." she chuckled. "well i fought ray." jisung confessed, pursing his lips while looking at yujun.

"really?" she smiled, proud look taking over her face. "he was talking about you, i couldn't just stand there. although i don't remember much, i was kinda out of it." he muttered, lifting his hand to look at his bruised knuckles.

"awe, shawty fought someone for me." the girl cooed, leaning her head on his shoulder. jisung let a puff of air out of his nose, taking her hand back into his. "and i'm guessing you pulled a knife on him for me." he hummed, running his thumb over her knuckles.

yujun smiled, watching him do so. although she was sitting on the cold cement of a jail cell, she had never felt safer.

"he was a little bitch what can i say." yujun said smugly, shrugging her shoulders. "but seriously thank you for beating him up for me. it makes me feel better."she said, looking up at him with a genuine smile.

"of course noona." he smiled down at her, bringing his other hand to pull her head in and place a kiss on her head.

it was oddly comforting. with anyone else yujun would probably have already socked the shit out of them. jisung was surprised she hadn't beat the living daylights out of him.

but he was happy they were able to share this kind of  moment. they both were. even if they weren't in the best situation, they felt something they hadn't felt in a long time.


𝔦𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔷𝔢 𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔢𝔢𝔱𝔰-𝔭𝔧𝔰 Where stories live. Discover now