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"you were really good today

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"you were really good today. and you picked everything up so quickly, i think i picked the right assistant." momo smiled as yujun gathered her things. the chinese girl chuckled, flipping her ponytail in a dramatic way.

"i'm just built different." and with that the two girls laughed together. they talked a bit more as they got ready to leave for the day, momo stopping in her tracks when she realized someone was still in the corner of the room on the couch.

"aish this kid never gets sleep." the japanese woman hissed through her teeth, shaking her head. "yah park jisung! get up before gyuri gets here." she called out, startling the young adult.

he quickly stood up despite still being half asleep, bowing at the woman and souring a few apologies.

"gyuri? why would she pick him up?" yujun asked confusedly, watching the boy shove things into his backpack. "she's his older sister. that's why he stays in here after classes and does his work." momo explained, patting the girls shoulder.

"i'm gonna go now i have a date with my girlfriend but you can lock up for me right? if you can't just ask jisung he knows how." the japanese smiled, waving before disappearing behind the frosted glass door.

yujun sighed, looking at jisung who was now chugging a blue monster.

"jesus you'd think you'd want water or something but an energy drink?" she said out loud, catching the attention of the younger boy. "unless you want to donate your water bottle i think this works just fine." he said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"brat." yujun rolled her eyes, walking towards the door. "hurry up! you're slow." she hissed, earning a glare from jisung as he walked towards the door.

"and you're annoying."
"likewise bitch."
"you know you've become a lot more mouthy since grade and high school. i liked it better when you were quiet."
"well i liked it better when you sat in the back of the class and didn't talk to anyone ."
"i still do that, it's just more fun to spite you."
"and i'm the annoying one."

they continued to bicker as they walked the halls, yujun refraining from beating the boy and jisung refraining from complaining to the office and getting her fired so she'd stay as far away as he needed her to.

yujun only stopped cursing at the boy when she recognized two absolute goons slapping each other around at the front of the school, not even caring about their surroundings.

"fong! hyungwo! stop you idiots!" yujun yelled out, hitting both of their heads. they stopped and gave her two dumb smiles, playfully bowing at the older girl.

"guess what boss, you've got new comp for racing. it's against park sungho the biggest and baddest. he said he wants to go against you because he was there at your last race agai.... why are you waving your hands around?"

fong rambled as yujun tried to sign for him to
shut up because someone was listening. and it was obvious that that someone would be no good if he found out about yujuns secret identity.

"you dumbasss." she sighed with a scowl, turning to jisung who stood there with a raised brow. "you didn't hear anything." she hissed earning an amused look from the younger boy.

"but i did." he smirked. "i heard very clearly something along the lines of youre racing someone tonight with the name park sungho?" his smug tone made yujun want to slap the memory out of him but she kept her cool, shaking her head.

"idiots." she mumbled. "i won't be racing anyone i'm gonna go home and live my life." she said simply. "probably watch a bit of true beauty." anyone who didn't know huang yujun would see this as believable.

but jisung had been around yujun since grade school, he was more of a people watcher then anything and was able to decipher when the girl was lying or not as he did with many other people.

"you two wanna tell me why you've said the name of my brother then?" jisung spoke making her freeze and look at him fully. brother? didnt jisung come from a very fucking rich family? why was his brother of all people street racing?

"last time i checked sungho was and still is a very popular street racer." yujun could practically feel the proud tone in his voice for figuring this out. with anyone else yujun wouldn't of cared. but knowing park jisung he'd use this information to the fullest of his powers.

"congratulations for realizing that. now fuck off i want to go watch true beauty."

had a nightmare, woke up to my technoblade bear screaming "NOT EVEN CLOSE BABY TECHNOBLADE NEVER DES" so that's why i'm awake at 5:15 in the morning 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩

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