𝔣𝔦𝔣𝔱𝔶 𝔣𝔬𝔲𝔯

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trauma arising from my doubts, what is the reason i'm alive?

trauma arising from my doubts, what is the reason i'm alive?

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empty. right now, huang yujun was walking down a dark sidewalk, feeling the emptiest she had felt in a long time.

she felt too numb to cry, but too hurt to not care about what just happened. again, this shouldn't be affecting her as much as it is.

after the whole thing with jisung, she made her way home with yinxiu hot on her trail. the minute she got inside it was a mess, the older woman very obviously not understanding why it was just so hard for yujun and jisung to make up.

and of course renjun, who had been home all day decided to join the argument. he too didn't exactly understand why she couldn't just let her guard down this one time. he had assumed that's why she had finally come home, but apparently not.

that's the thing. nobody understood that it wasnt a simple thing to let her guard down. she had built it up so long ago she forgot how to.

she tried so so hard to make amends with jisung. she so badly wanted to go back to normal. but everything in her screamed it was a bad idea. she simply didn't want to be hurt again.

jisung was right, when he talked about her running away from things until they got better. she did that all the time. and eventually they did get better. but something inside her told her if she ran this time, nothing would get better.

oh how she wished itd be like that. but alas, all things come to an end. she knew eventually, her pussy move of an ulterior motive, would burn and crash against her. she always told herself she'd keep using it until it went against her, she guessed now was the time.

"yujun?" someone grabbing her shoulder snapped her out of her angsty thoughts, the girl looking up but now being able to identify the person in front of her. "what are you doing out here? it's pouring!" she hadn't even realized it started to rain, the girls clothes beginning to stick to her body as she stood exposed.

"mark?" she questioned, squinting at the person in front of her. "yeah it's mark. i was just on my way somewhere, why are you at home?" he pulled her towards a more sheltered place, pulling his hoodie off right after.

"uhh, didn't really want to be home. felt very overstimulated, the usual." yujun admitted, pushing her wet hair away from her eyes. "well i'm, you can come with me to where i was going if you want to. i just don't want to leave you alone at this time of night." she almost wanted to laugh at the older boys words.

but she didn't, being too drained and unbothered to. "if it's okay with you? i don't want to be alone anyways." she chewed on her bottom lip. "okay well my cars just over there, we should get there in like 15." mark smiled, nodding over at his car that was parked a little ways away from them.

yujun nodded, turning to follow him.

yall not gonna like me for this one but yolo lol 😋☝️

𝔦𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔷𝔢 𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔢𝔢𝔱𝔰-𝔭𝔧𝔰 Where stories live. Discover now