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"i'm sorry."
"could you be any slower?"
"it's not my fault this is my first time using these."
"just follow my lead. i'll help."
"well thanks princess."

"don't call me that." yujun hissed at the younger boy as she helped him walk.

jisungs current situation was well.. basically he had dislocated his knee a long time ago and him being the stubborn person he was never stayed off of it after the doctor said he was okay to walk. key word: walk, not dance and run and shit.

"listen yujun, as my servant the first thing i want you to do is let me call you whatever i want." he said stubbornly, holding his chin high to the older. yujun just exhaled through her nose, turning to the boy with a smile.

"fuck you." she said before walking away. the boy huffed looking down at his crutches.

at yujuns house magically ✨

"collect your friend." yujun said with an annoyed tone as they walked into the house. renjun and jaemin were sitting on the couch cuddling eachother. the renjun removed himself from jaemin quickly at the sound of his sisters voice.

"oh thank everything in the god damn earth you're okay." jaemin hopped up from the couch to pull the younger into a bone crushing hug even if he had crutches. he was about to hug yujun.

"nope." she said before walking into her room. jaemin just stood dumbfounded at the rejection.

"she hates touching men." renjun chuckled at jaemin from the couch. chenle looked over from his game. they had all practically begged renjun to let him hang out at their house- well it was more jaemin then anyone but they were happy to hang out somewhere that wasn't their own homes.

"you good ji? do you need anything?" the chinese asked, being the good bestfriend he was. jisung just shook his head with a smile then proceeded to slowly wobble down the hall to yujuns room.

he knocked on the white door the girl had went into. "can i come in?" jisung asked quietly, hesitant that the girl would yell at him.

"whatever kid." he heard from the other side and took that as a yes for him to enter.

the room was an average size with grey walls and green accents. there were a lot of plants, along a black and white tapestry, hanging from the ceiling. the carpet was replaced with turf making it seem like her room was outside.

then on the pitch black bed laid yujun who was reading the book she had been reading in the library that day with small round reading glasses sitting perfectly on the bridge of her nose.

"your room is not at all how i expected it to look." he looked around in awe as his eyes landed on a small pile of shirts that was moving.

"yu-yujun um-" "can you stop being weird and sit down if you're gonna be in here?" the girl groaned pushing her glasses up. he was distracting her reading what a surprise.

"your shirts are moving." the boy pointed at the pile of shirts and the girl only rolled her eyes closing her book after bookmarking it and getting off the bed to walk over to the clothes. she took some of the shirts off of it to reveal a tiny fuzzy animal.

"it's my ferret lei. calm down." she said bringing the animal back to the bed with her. jisung just stood there bewildered. he's never seen a ferret in real life let alone being a house pet.

"you have a whole ass ferret? is that even legal?" jisung asked picking his jaw back up. yujun just continued to play with the animal. "i do a lot of things that aren't legal do you really think i'd care?" yujun deadpanned, earning silence from the younger.

"why are you being all cold now? it's scary and you're not like that with the other people." he whined, earning a fake pout from the girl.

"aw is little sungie all sad that one person actually believes the world doesn't revolve around him?" she asked in a fake baby voice causing jisungs face to go red. he didn't know why he said that out loud but it kind of just came out.

and besides it wasn't that she didn't believe the world revolved around him it was because she didn't like him and didn't even try to get to know him as a person like he had wanted to when he first began to interact with her.

all jisung knew was, "huang yujun you are a lot to work with."

the way i'm not paying attention to english just for this

english teachers gonna end up taking my phone 🥶

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