𝔱𝔴𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔶 𝔢𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱

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aha ha been really feeling my writing recently idk what happened guys

somewhere along the line they all ended up splitting in groups doing different things to entertain them

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somewhere along the line they all ended up splitting in groups doing different things to entertain them. but it really did not matter given that the alcohol in their system made them single handedly find anything funny or entertaining.

massaging his template he watched from afar as the other group was. staring at a blue rock.

the only thing he could do was sigh and recount his life choices. he couldn't even stand watching them being so immersed in looking at, a blue rock. he simply laid back on the walls of the hot tub letting it faze out the coldness of the air.

a slight movement in the water made him peek his eyes open. "what's up shawty" she smirked the stench of alcohol being obvious. "god what now" he squinted, a distaste in her choice of words.

"what's a person like you hanging all alone here?" her strangely devious smile made him slightly weirded out

"weren't you over there looking at the blue rock you guys found?" he deflected her intents. rolling her eyes in response of his actions. "oh come on shawty, don't be like that" she pouted making him very mildly disgusted. her pushy attitude making him very, very, annoyed

it wasn't till she just swung her body over his and just stared at him with this shit eating grin. his eyes trying to keep itself from not viewing down. an aggressive adrenaline pumping through all of his veins. gulping on his dry throat, he could only imagine the look from his eyes.

"ahaah what are you doing?" an awkward chuckle emitted from his lips trying to not only get her off of him. but to just leave and combust in a corner for 30 minutes. the way she licked his lips made his eyes widen to what he could assume to the size of bottle caps.

her thumb ran down his bottom lip before he forcibly smashed her lips onto his. out of pure shock he couldn't even react to what was happening in front of him.

the bitter taste of alcohol that leaked from her lips made him squeeze his eyes shut. the movement causing him to be drawn in suddenly. no longer having anything to focus on but the person in front of him

he was in a state of confusion, his hands hovered in the air as he was frozen. unsure of what he could or couldn't do in the situation put at hand. he kissed back mostly unsure of what he was even doing. the way she practically took control over the whole thing.

a feeling of an object brushed against his top lip. the fight for dominance was basically like a cat against an object on the side of a counter. there was no stopping it.

their lips parted making him just stare at her with a flushed face. the string of saliva from their tongues lingering for a split second.

"aww is shawty flustered. over a little kiss? how cute" she cooed licking her lips. "well you kinda just- i mean, you just" he malfunctioned trying to form specific words. her index finger laid on his lips as she shushed him, "shh don't talk shawty, you're not hot when you're talking"

"that's very, very offensive of you to-" he judged before his lips got attacked unwillingly again. he could feel himself being basically pushed down by the girl on him. as if the confidence difference wasn't already evident from how they were talking. her presences let alone screamed things that he wasn't

a nibble at his bottom lip made him confused before complying with whatever she was planning. her tongue explored every crevice of his mouth in the moment. if he wasn't already warm from the heat of the water, then he must've been on fire at this point. an object hit the top of his mouth which made him realize one singular thing

is that a, tongue piercing? his mind was boggled at the thought, granted he couldn't even think at the moment. furrowing his eyebrows he forcibly pushed her off of him in sheer panic and confusion. "w-what the fuck?" he covered his mouth with his hand

she pouted lightly proceeding to lick her lips again. "what's wrong? are you suddenly against me kissing you?" she crossed her arms and moved closer to him from across the hot tub. he coughed furiously at her words, unsure of where his mind was going to lead him if she continued any longer.

"shawty are you okay? i wouldn't want you to be sick shawty." she squinted before taking ahold of his face with her two hands squishing his face in. a very judgmental look formed on his face, ripping off her hands, "dude that's weird."

she placed one of her hands over her chest and gasped very dramatically, "did i just get dude zoned?" she started to choke out face sobs.

panickedly he placed his arms on her shoulders, "no, no don't cry, uh look. i'm uh sorry?" he awkwardly laughed not sure on how to comfort someone.

her gaze went up to lock with his eyes. not a single tear was formed there. "haha shawty you're so sexy," she bit her lip making his mouth hang in pure shock. "you're kidding." his hands removing themselves from her. blinking at how she deceived him so easily by fake crying made him annoyed out of his mind.

he pushed himself off of the edge of the hot tub about to get out and leave. "wait noooo, come back, don't leave me here i'll be lonely" her hand reached out taking ahold of his arm. he looked over to her with an extremely unamused look, attempting to pull away his arm but seeming as she had the strength of a god it wasn't going so well.

"please, for me" she batted her eyelashes making him disgusted at her choice of actions. "no let me go" he groaned in annoyance, he hated that he had to be surrounded by drunk idiots. pursing her lips into a line she forcibly pulled him back into the water sending him falling forwards into her.

"when shawty falls for me" she let out a loud laugh, to say he wasn't flustered would be a lie. he was very flustered at the whole event and everything it had to offer.

god he should've just left the rooftop leaving them there to struggle. "now where were we?" a glisten through her eyes made him gulp knowing where it was about go. at this point, he was willing to comply.

ʰᵉʸ ˢʰᵃʷᵗʸ

also, you all just walked the fucking prank GET CUCKED HAHAHA

𝔦𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔷𝔢 𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔢𝔢𝔱𝔰-𝔭𝔧𝔰 Where stories live. Discover now