𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔯𝔱𝔶 𝔱𝔴𝔬

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emiko and mark watched everyone be pushed into cop cars, panicked expressions on their faces as they sat next to jisung

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emiko and mark watched everyone be pushed into cop cars, panicked expressions on their faces as they sat next to jisung. the said boy began to wake up, rising from the sand slowly without mark and emiko realizing he had done so.

his eyes were hooded and head pounded. there was a ringing in his ears that was undeniably annoying. he could faintly hear yells of anger and gasps from next to him.

as his hearing cleared and the ringing left, he could clearly hear the conversation going on not so far away from him, the words being said catching his attention though he didn't quite fully understand it.

"it's what they get honestly. those bitches were crazy as fuck." one of the boys scoffed out. "especially the one who pulled a knife, you have to be fucking psychotic." jisung didnt have to be conscious during that to know that yujun was most likely the one who pulled a knife.

"i mean sure she was hot but i'm not into knife play so." the boy on the ground began to grow irritated, knowing they were talking about yujun. they were extremely flirty towards yujun and chohee during the game that at some point he thought of crossing the net and beating the shit out of them but he held himself back.

"how much you wanna bet she'd be freaky as fuck in bed?" another one chuckled, only adding fuel to the fire. jisung pushed himself up, ultimately having enough of there shit.

he was still out of it, no self awareness at all as he did so. mark and chohee watched him stand up in shock, calling out his name. yet he couldn't hear it. it was as if a brick wall was put up and the only ones inside of it were him and the boys that continued to snicker and make jokes about yujun.

the americans hadn't even taken notice to jisung who was stumbling their way, crossing under the net and swinging at the nearest person who just so happened to be ray who still had his hand around his arm.

they all gasped, watching jisung tackle the boy and throw punches mercilessly. mark and emiko stood their with their jaws dropped, never having seen jisung this violent before.

the other five boys looked at each other, alex being the first one to move to throw jisung off of ray who was struggling to fight back.

"what the fuck!?" ray exclaimed, wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth. "fuck you ugly ass american." jisung said in his best english, glaring at the older boy.

that's all it took for ray to lunge at him, resuming the fight from before. alex tried to jump in once again but mark was quicker, ducking under the net only to come back up and sock the boy in the jaw.

this then broke out into another fight, emiko and the other boys standing back and watching in shock. that was until a few other police officers that were called in from the other events stepped in, pulling all four boys away from each other.

"rot in the deepest pits of fucking hell you fucking cunt." jisung cursed in korean, still not fully aware of what he was saying. "alright kid, we're taking you and your friend in." the officer sighed, placing jisungs wrists in cuffs.

the boy was breathing hard, his hair covering his eyes. but the sight of emiko standing there with panicked tears in his eyes made him come back to his senses, eyes widening as he looked around while being walked towards the cop car.

ray was on the ground, struggling to get up while alex was sitting with his head in his hands. did he do that? what just happened? his head began to hurt, vision going blurry before everything went dark.

emiko choked out a sob, running towards mark and jisung who were being escorted by the police. the officer let jisung fall, looking at him with a pained expression before simply picking him up and throwing him over his shoulder.

"emiko." mark breathed out, watching the girl cry helplessly. she couldn't say anything but her face told that she was worried. "go get doyoung and the others. they should be at the beach downtown it's not that far of a walk." he instructed, although being yelled at by the officer to hurry up.

the japanese nodded, wiping her tears and quickly walking back to their stuff to grab her phone.


"i can't believe we're in here because of you." hye spat, rolling her eyes as she held the bars of the cell they were in in her hands. "even jisung and mark are here. this would've been a complete normal trip if it was just the regular people." she went on, turning around to glare at yujun.

"hye calm down. pointing fingers isn't gonna do any good." jeno sighed, placing his head against the cold cement. hye yujun jeno chohee haechan renjun and chenle had all ended up in a cell together, everyone being on edge and wanting to go home.

"it's not but i'm still going to do it because what the fuck? who said this chick should come into our family things and ruin everything?" the youngest scoffed, folding her arms. "shut it zhao." renjun gritted, glaring at the girl.

"how bout you shut it huang? and keep your replica on a leash while you're at it." the teen spat, turning back around to try and convince the officers to let her out.

that was until yujun turned around and walked to the younger, yanking the older back by her hair and throwing a punch to her nose. "you need to learn to shut your fucking trap sometimes."

they went on, throwing hits at each other with fists full of each other's hair as they did so, people in the next cells cheering for them as officers quickly ran towards their cell.

"yujun let go of her." chohee said unenthusiastically, a smirk playing her lips. "well i tried." she shrugged, continuing to record the fight with the phone no one knew how she got.

chenle and jeno stood frozen, not exactly knowing how to react. "what the hell are you doing dumbass. separate them." one of the officers spat, struggling to open the lock of the cell.

"hey! calm down." the officers yelled, trying to wedge herself in between the too girls. soon enough she was able to pull yujun back with the help of two other officers that held hye as well so they couldn't run at each other again.

"you actual ugly ass bitch!" hye spat, blood running down her forehead and the side of her lips. "i'm not a mirror sweetheart." yujun scowled at the younger, wriggling around in the officers grip.

"you two need to calm your shit. your guardians are here."


𝔦𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔷𝔢 𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔢𝔢𝔱𝔰-𝔭𝔧𝔰 Where stories live. Discover now