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see me in person i'm flawless

and so that's how yujun found herself driving her tesla to haelin university with her twin brother sitting in the passenger seat

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and so that's how yujun found herself driving her tesla to haelin university with her twin brother sitting in the passenger seat. when they pulled into the parking lot yujun snickered street all the people pointing at the expensive car passing by them in awe.

"i thought this was a university not a stupid kdrama high school." the green hair girl mumbled, parking in a random spot and turning her car off. she pulled her small bag from the back and took her phone off it's charger, placing it in her front pocket.

"god i'm gonna get eaten alive by questions and comments." renjun sighed, opening the door at the same time yujun did.

the twins definitely looked expensive even if they weren't exactly. renjun was wearing a black turtleneck with a red plaid blazer and a regular pair of black jeans with black platformed vans.

and yujun being the over the top bitch she was, was wearing a very oversized band tshirt that reached about mid thigh and had a white long sleeve under it with black knee high socks and a pair of grey checkered vans and sunglasses to top it all off. her green hair was pulled into a simple high pony and her ears had medium sized hoops.

yujun, being a 5'8 female with very long legs immediately caught attention if it wasn't for her outfit.

"your school is so weird." she snorted, pulling her sunglasses off and walking into the school simply, smirking at the amount of eyes on her.

"female huang!" a voice called out, causing a smirk to form on yujuns face. "jeno lee, the only male ever." she snickered, going to do a handshake with the blue haired boy.

"wow i feel so special." he held his chest dramatically, eye smile being overly prominent. "when the fuck did you two become friends." renjun scoffed, shaking her head and folding his arms.

"don't worry about it. all you need to know is jeno is the man, only person i'll trust with my drink with." the girl smiled, folding her arms. "hey park, mind showing me to the dance studio?" jisung gave her a look of defeat, his arms slouching as he looked at the older.

"did you just agree to the job to torture me? to get back at me for how i acted?" he whined out, tilting his head at the girl. yujun held in a laugh, reaching up to ruffle the boys hair. "i get paid $25 an hour so either way i win." she smiled mischievously.

"whatever, you're so annoying."
"hmm i see it's working." jisung groaned, walking in the direction of the dance studio.

all eyes were on them, whispers rounding the halls of the university. the park jisung who despised talking to anyone outside of his friend group was walking with this random hot chick and not pushing her far away? this had to be a joke.

"what are you looking at? mind your business. you're all adults it's not that serious." yujun hissed to the people in the halls, rolling her eyes. "it's not even that big of a deal. you seem cool but honestly you're just a brat." she chuckled at jisung who gave her a pained look.

"that's noona to you."
"i'm literally gonna kill myself."

idk how i should make jisung and yujuns relationship in this boom but anyways yujun is so hot wtf wtf

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