𝔣𝔦𝔣𝔱𝔶 𝔰𝔦𝔵

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you can think that you're in love when you're really just in pain

you can think that you're in love when you're really just in pain

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this banner genuinely brought me to tears thank you krish

"can you sit down?" mark hadn't realized just how hard he was clenching his eyes shut until now. the boy was confused.

he could feel that he wasn't on the bridge anymore. it was no longer raining and the voice that had called out to him definitely wasn't yujuns or anyone's he had ever heard.

he felt as if he was floating, a bit skeptical as to what would happen if he opened his eyes. but out of pure curiosity, he let them pop open.

wincing at the bright lights, he rubbed his eyes to come back to full consciousness. after doing so, he took in his surroundings. a bus? why was he on a bus? so suddenly?

there didn't seem to be many people on this bus, mark confirmed that as he gazed around the large bus.

nothing really insignificant, except for the fact that he just made eye contact with the deceased girl he used to love.

"mark?" freya gasped, standing from her seat on the bus. "mark what the fuck? why are you-"
"uhh i think i just died." he trailed out, looking around cautiously once it finally hit him.

"what!?" freya exclaimed, moving from her seat to run down the isle to the boy. "i mean that would explain why you're on the rout to azreals." she muttered, looking at the older as she tried to conceal her smile.

"wow you're really in front of me." mark breathed out, reaching out to cup her face. "i know it sounds bad but maybe you dying wasn't such a bad thing." she chuckled, ruffling his hair.

"can you guys sit down so i can go." the same voice from earlier groaned. "you can continue your lovers reunion later." he rolled his eyes.

"shut up kenzo, we've got all night." freya called out to the male, shaking her head. "aenghas not gonna be happy if you come home late." kenzo said warningly, looking at the girl through the rear view mirror.  "she'll be just fine." the younger hummed, pulling mark back to where she was sitting.

"so how have you been?" mark raised a brow at the girl, settling himself in his seat. "good, i've missed everyone. but looking over them i can tell they're healing well." freya nodded, smile filling her lips.

but soon she pursed them, face becoming guilty. "mark, i know this is gonna sound bad but i mean i've been dead for a year now and it's kind of hard to not move on when i see you happy with your friends." she began to confess, pulling a confused expression from the older.

"but i am dating someone now." she said cautiously. marks jaw dropped, shock settling in. but not at the fact that she was dating someone that wasn't him, the fact that he didn't feel anything relating to heartbreak when she told him.

"i hope you can accept and respect that." freya said, eyes trained on the boy who was still sporting a shocked expression. "of course i'll respect it smalls, that's actually really amazing." he coughed out.

"how did you meet?" although he was supposed to be feeling angsty about the girl he loved ending up with someone else. but in the end, he felt relieved and happy.

seeing her after a year made him realize. he had lost romantic feelings for her. he still loved her dearly, but he couldn't see himself being in a relationship after all that had happened.

most likely because he watched her die and had to live with it for a year.

"well basically, when i entered hell i got like this dorm thing and in each dorm you usually get a demon assigned to you to show you around. my demon was a girl named min aengha." she began to explain with a smile.

"she's a lot like jaemin actually, introverted but very very flirty. at some point she asked me out and we've been together for around 8 months now." mark smiled at the girls story. "i'm glad you were able to find someone."

"and you're okay?" she questioned. "of course. not fully caught up with the fact that i just died or how i did but ya know. shit happens."
"yeah shit happens. but don't worry, everyone's gonna love you."
"i sure hope so."

hey.... how y'all doin.... ha ha

banner made by avrgkpopstan ig 🙄☝️

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