cry abt it tbh

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still gonna have to warn you about mentions of death and suicide but dw there's nothing too too angsty i promise :)

the girl pursed her lips, taking a deep breath as she placed her hand on the golden doorknob in front of her.

she had been told that this would be a door to where she wanted to go so here she was, panicking on just how exactly she'd tell the people she was about to meet about what happened.

"i mean, i'm already dead so i cant say yolo but." she muttered to herself before pushing the door open. it was dark, the room being full of different people. music boomed through the place causing a small smile on her face.

"so there's clubs in hell. cool." she mumbled, walking in further to the crowd of people. the minute her eyes landed on the people she came to see, she paused. how the hell- haha funny- was she supposed to explain all of this.

"now or never." it truly wasn't a now or never situation, they'd find out eventually. she shook off her thoughts, breathing in before walking towards the vip lounge area the group sat in.

the moment she stood in front of them, all eyes were on her.

"hey yall. so i just died lol." she chuckled, pushing her hair behind her ear. "but you know, so far hell isn't all that bad. i mean i could get used to this re-"
"yujun?" soon enough, she was engulfed into a very warm hug.

"okay loser. i know you missed me." she laughed, patting the males back. "you- you're here? but how? how did you-"
"that's not important, i'm sure you'll figure it out. but i'm here now!" she smiled, pulling away from her brother.

"ah yujun. i've been waiting for you." on the couch next to where renshu had sat was an unfamiliar male, dark black hair and a crazy fucking jawline.

"ah, yujun this is azreal. he's uh-"
"i'm a grim reaper." the said male cut him off. "i can tell him how you died." he offered, catching her off guard.

"wow that's like kinda cool. renshu you're boring  km pop as hell, how are you friends with the grim reaper?" she raised a brow, earning a scoff from the older. "shut the hell up. you just got here, sit down or something." he hissed.

"damn, four years yet one little friend group can change my innocent brother." yujun placed her hand on her heart dramatically. "how do you think he ended up in this place? cant be that innocent." yet another unfamiliar voice spoke.

"tone it down hwanyoon." renshu sighed, going back to sit in his spot. "hold on wait. i'm gonna need to learn names." yujun held her hands out, scanning the group of very attractive people.

"right, well you know azreal. the kid i just talked to is hwanyoon, he's a demon. and the kid next to him is jiwoo, he just died like a week ago and now hwayoung is assigned to him." renshu began to point at the different people in the room.

"hwayoung is supposed to be picked up by kenzo right now, i don't know what's taking them so long."
"kenzo has night bus duty." azreal called out, pouring himself a drink.

"right well anyways. the one in the corner there, that's ida. she's just a bitch." he pointed at a girl with short black and white hair, earning a glare. "i know you're older, but i won't hesitate to beat the shit out of you huang." she muttered, placing her eyes back on the book in her hands.

"haha thats embarrassing shu." the girl laughed at how fed up her brother was getting. she was glad to be back with him.

although she worried because in trade for seeing him she had to leave renshu and yinxiu behind. and she had a feeling they wouldn't be able to just get passed this one easily.

"and the party has arrived." now this voice was familiar. the girl turned around with a smirk on her face, trying to keep herself from absolutely laughing at the situation.

"and there's my favorite kim." she called out, meeting eyes with the said girl. freyas eyes flew wide, smile growing as she ran to hug her friend. "dude two of my favorite people died today which probably isn't something to be happy about but hey! you guys get to see me!" freya laughed, pulling away from the girl to shake her shoulders.

"yujun? you're here too?" ah. if she had a heart anymore, it would be churning in guilt right now. "uhahaha yeah i guess." she laughed awkwardly, looking at the older with a slight smile.

"but if you died too, why didn't you end up on the bus as well?" he tilted his head in confusion. the younger didn't want to just admit what she did, that would make it a whole big thing and she didn't need that right this moment.

"you died at different times." kenzo pat his shoulder before pushing past everyone. "the girl didn't die by the bus tho." he stated simply, earning a look from everyone else.

"what do you mean?" renshus eyebrows creased. "uhh-"
"who cares, this ones cute." azreal smirked, eyes locked on mark whos eyes widened.

"paws off azreal, he doesn't swing that way." freya rolled her eyes at the older, shaking her head. "hey you never know." the male shrugged.

"uh moving on, yujun what about renjun and yinxiu? jisung?" the canadian coughed, looking at the said girl with a concerned expression. "i'll miss them but honestly it was for the best." she sighed.

"now the readers won't be mad at me for being a bitch towards him."
"that's true."
"i know it's true you didn't need to actually fucking agree mark."
"my bad."
"yeah all your bad."

yeah i gave up at the end but hey now i can publish demon au whenever

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