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the dance she does is above just because i love tina a lot and her dances are immaculate

the dance she does is above just because i love tina a lot and her dances are immaculate

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yujuns body moved on beat easily and smoothly, as if her body was fluid. the sound of the song was the only thing on her mind as she let her body loose.

dancing was her passion, her safe haven from the stresses of being a criminal. this was the one thing she would never give up, even if it was for a reasonable reason.

as a child, she had always had the dream to be a professional dancer that other people looked up to. she dreamed to one day be on a stage with people in the audience, watching her performance in awe.

the dance came to a stop at some point, leaving yujun almost breathless.

"that was impressive for a girl so young." a sudden voice sounded throughout the studio, startling yujun half to death. turning around with her chest still heaving from the energetic performance, the younger girl widened her eyes.

"h-how long have you been there?" she asked almost immediately. the girl looked around yinxius age but a lot more mature. she was wearing black heels, very pale pink trousers and a pristine white knitted sweater that draped over her body effortlessly.

her hair was dark, bangs fell satisfyingly onto her forehead and the rest pushed behind her ears. her whole stance just shouted she had money, but she didn't seem like the snobby type.

"long enough to know you have a lot of talent." the woman smiled, placing her coffee on the counter that was in the practice room. "how long have you been dancing for?" she questioned, eyeing the chinese.

"since i can remember. i started entering dance competitions at like 6." yujun chuckled, walking towards her bag to grab a water. "so now i compete and teach classes here as an assistant." she smiled, gulping down her water.

"impressive, my names park gyuri. i'm the owner of this studio. you must be huang yujun." gyuri held out her hand to yujun whos jaw dropped open.  "woah." yujun uttered, shaking the woman's hand.

she had heard of park gyuri briefly. she knew the woman was the owner of the studio but she felt like she had heard that name elsewhere.

"so i'm guessing you're participating in the upcoming competition neo culture technology university is holding in a few days then?" gyuri lifted an eyebrow, watching yujun pull her hair into a low ponytail.

"ah, yes. i was hesitant but i guess i wanted to prove something to myself." the younger chuckled, grabbing her hoodie and pulling it over her head. "well yujun, why don't we go out to lunch?


"so i'm curious, is this brother and aunt of yours attending the competition? you've talked a lot about them, i'd expect them to come." gyuri smiled, twirling her fork in her pasta and glancing at yujun who had momentarily froze.

"they'd usually be more then happy to come but..."


"oh my god that's amazing yu!" yinxiu exclaimed after yujun had announced that she'd be competing in the upcoming competition. "so you guys will go?" she smirked, looking at her twin and aunt.

"of course we'll come yu. when is it?" renjun chuckled at his sister, raising a brow. "this sunday, you've gotta be there. this is the one competition i.... why do you both look dejected?" she raised a brow watching the twos faces go from excited to frowns.

"next sunday..... me and mr. kim are supposed to fly out to tokyo for a shoot." yinxiu said in a hushed guilty tone, lowering her head so that she didn't make eye contact with the younger.

yujun felt her heart clench a bit, turning to her brother who also had a guilty look. "renjun....?" she looked desperate. could you blame her? this was something big and she wanted her two favorite people to be there for her.

"the maid cafe is volunteering at a homeless shelter in district red that day and i have to fill in for ten hyung." renjun rubbed the back of his neck, showing an apologetic smile to his twin.

yujun stood there for a bit, not exactly very happy that the two people she cared about most wouldn't be able to go to the competition that could possibly change her life.

"we're so sorry yu. maybe fong and hyungwo will go?" renjun sighed, grabbing his sisters hand. "it's fine. not that bad." she smiled slightly, pulling her hand from his to pull it through her green hair.

"i'm going to walmart. need a shopping spree or something." she mumbled, walking to pull on her vans and hoodie. "steal me a box of candy canes if you can find any please." yunxiu called out.

end of flashback

"they're a bit busy these days. it's okay though, it's just one competition there will be more." yujun laughed awkwardly, sipping on her matcha tea. gyuri pouted, looking around as if she was thinking.

"how about i come watch you in place of them. it may not be as special but you'll have someone to congratulate you when you win." the elder smiled, earning a surprised look from yujun. "you'll really come?" she gasped.

"of course, anything for my new little sister." gyuri smiled, ruffling yujuns hair.

hey.... how y'all doin

i'm gonna get murdered for updating but it's whatever 😋

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