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chinese in bold :]

"renjun oppa what should i do! this bitch of a girl is stealing you from me! she doesn't even go here!" yujun mocked dramatically, holding her face in her hands as her and renjun walked out of the school together

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"renjun oppa what should i do! this bitch of a girl is stealing you from me! she doesn't even go here!" yujun mocked dramatically, holding her face in her hands as her and renjun walked out of the school together. "yujun stoppp." the boy groaned, throwing his head back to let out a few laughs.

"it's always rEnJuN oPpa never yUjUn oPpa. the discrimination against the best huang ugh." the girl rolled her eyes teasingly, earning a nudge from her brother. "maybe you're not the best huang seeing as i get all the bitches." renjun said in a boasting manor, flexing whatever muscles he had.

"really?" yujun raised a brow, turning on her heel to look at a group of freshman boys who were messing around with each other. "hey! freshman's!" she called out, all of them turning to face the chinese.

"yes noona!?" they all stood attentively to the older, looking at her like she was royalty. "i lost my money today but i wanted to treat my brother to hot pot. do any of you have money i could borrow?" she pouted, pointing over to renjun who let out an annoyed scoff.

"i have money!"
"here take my wallet!"
"i could give you a couple 100s would that be enough?"
"take all the money i have!"
"i can run to the bank really quick?"

they all began to scramble to grab spare money that they had, holding out different types of bills to the girl who just smirked back at her brother.

"you're all so kind. i don't know how-"
"yah yah yah. get lost, they don't need your money!" a voice intercepted her very fake interaction with the freshman boys. "use my money instead junnie, i told you i'd pay for your stuff." jaemin smiled almost immediately, snaking his hand around renjuns waist.

"na jaemin! stop persuading my brother to hang out with you and leave him alone." yujun called out, glaring at the younger boy. "now renjun lets go home and eat hot pot there." she sighed, walking towards her brother.

"actually i'm studying with mark today so i'll be going with neither of you." renjun laughed nervously, looking at mark who had his arm sling around jisungs shoulders. "mark!?" yujun and jaemin coughed out at the same time, glaring at each other right after.

"renjun you were supposed to help me with my hair though. you know i can't do it on my own and yinxiu has work until 12." the chinese girl whined, folding her arms. renjun gave his sister an apologetic smile. "have jeno help you, you two have become good friends." he answered before quickly grabbing mark and walking away so his sister didn't go off on him.

yujun stood there with a shocked expression, turning to jaemin who looked just as shocked at how quickly renjun made his escape.

"well pretty boy. looks like you're gonna help me get the right hair dye and dye my hair purple." she sighed, placing her hand on jenos shoulder. "oh easy, i've dyed mine and jaemins hair so many times." jeno laughed, nodding his head.

"actually jeno didn't you have that thing to do? you know what i'll help her in your place." jisung quickly intervened, pulling yujun towards him instead. jeno looked at him confused. "wh-" "good luck with that thing hyung, we'll go now." jisung smiled, walking away with yujun who was pulling on his grip with complaints.

gonna plug my twitter and tumblr here because i fucking can

gonna plug my twitter and tumblr here because i fucking can

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gonna start using tumblr to make oneshots for the couples that already exist in my books and hopefully start using twitter more to rant there instead of bothering you guys on my message board 💀🤝

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gonna start using tumblr to make oneshots for the couples that already exist in my books and hopefully start using twitter more to rant there instead of bothering you guys on my message board 💀🤝

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