𝔱𝔴𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔶 𝔬𝔫𝔢

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"jisungie oppa?" a small sleepy voice sounded from the living room after the two walked into the house, jisung practically sprinting into the main room

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"jisungie oppa?" a small sleepy voice sounded from the living room after the two walked into the house, jisung practically sprinting into the main room.

"ara i'm sorry i'm late, i got distracted." jisung apologized quickly, walking over to the small girl and picking her up. she was a very small child, chubby cheeks and sparkly doe eyes. she had jet black hair that reached just under her shoulders and very soft features, truly a park.

"who's that pretty girl?" she asked pointing to yujun. the chinese didn't give any reaction besides a grimace at the sight of the child. god she hated children.

"that's my school mate, yujun." jisung pat the girls hair down, giving an awkward smile to the older girl practically asking her to be nice. "you're pretty unnie." the small girl said with a big smile.

yujun hummed, small sarcastic smile finding her lips. "i know. park lead me to the bathroom so i can wash this out since you were in such a hurry." she sent jisung a look, the boy sighing out of his nose.

"ara, go watch tv like you were. we'll be back to play with you okay?" the younger nodded excitedly and escaped from jisungs arms running over to the main living room to resume watching the cartoon she had been watching.

"i'll help you." he signaled for her to follow him.


"dude wait i'm so hot." yujun gasped, looking in the mirror at her still damp hair. her eyes sparkled in the bright light of the bathrooms lights, jisung watching closely as they did. it stood out to him how excited she seemed, the corners of his lips lifting ever so slightly.

"yeah that's because i did it." he boasted, folding his arms and leaning on the door frame of the bathroom. "oh hush. go grab my phone it's been going off for some time now, i'm sure it's all my hoes blowing up my phone." she rolled her eyes, pushing jisung out of the door frame.

he walked into the living room where ara was singing along with the tv, grabbing both of their phones that were currently blowing up.

literally the plastics but better

no but i'm just saying i don't think there's a "straight" and "alt" tik tok

mark you don't even stan verivery, shut up you don't get a say


it just does, deal with it white boy

uhhhh what a conversation to join in onto

when did this even become a thing 💀

uh long time ago? it's been here for like a week and a half now-

oh so THIS is the gc i randomly got fucking added to

𝔦𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔷𝔢 𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔢𝔢𝔱𝔰-𝔭𝔧𝔰 Where stories live. Discover now