𝔣𝔬𝔲𝔯𝔱𝔶 𝔱𝔴𝔬

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before we say goodbye, let go

TRIGGER WARNING: the following chapter will include mentions of domestic violence, death pleade read at your own risk!

TRIGGER WARNING: the following chapter will include mentions of domestic violence, death pleade read at your own risk!

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"hey yujun so are you sure you can't go? you were super excited for it." yunwong creased her brows at her best friend who's face was becoming pale. "sorry yun, i just don't feel good." yujun sighed, pushing her hair out of her face.

"do you want me to walk you home? renjun has band practice doesn't he? and renshus at work..." the younger girl suggested, holding onto yujuns arm. "i'm okay yun, really. i'll just walk myself, it's not that far." she breathed out, shaking her head.

"okay." yunwong pursed her lips, not wanting to push her best friend any further. "i'll go now, love you. be careful please." she pulled yujun into a hug, carefully squeezing her before turning around towards her cousins car.

yujun sighed to herself, beginning her walk home. she prayed to whatever god above that her father was at work or just not home.

she always did. prayed that she wouldn't run into her father. prayed that she wouldn't have to face him alone. but it never worked. she had always been raised to think that god would solve all her problems but when she needed him the most he never did. she was beginning to think this god guy was a fake.

her head pounded against her skull as she walked, sweat forming on her forehead. her phone buzzed in her pocket, signaling someone had messaged her. she stopped to pull out her phone, clicking on the notification.

i'm sorry i couldn't pick you up today yu :( works been crappy but i'll try to get off early so me you and jun can have a halloween movie marathon

the teen smiled at the message from her brother. renshu was 18 at the time, him and the twins being more than 3 years apart. but that didn't stop them from being close as ever to him.

he was very honestly more of a parental figure to them than their parents would ever be. they idolized him, he always kept them out of stupid trouble with their parents.

it was huang renshu yujun and renjun against the world.

it's fine ge :] i'm walking home rn

you feel any better?

not really but i'll be fine dw

be sure to take the painkillers i put in your room okay?

okay dad 🙄

love you nerd

love you too i guess

𝔦𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔷𝔢 𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔢𝔢𝔱𝔰-𝔭𝔧𝔰 Where stories live. Discover now