𝔱𝔴𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔶 𝔰𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔫

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cause the grass is greener under me

"so you just had a dream about you and some random ass people plus the boys overthrowing the shit government of a city that doesn't exist?" mark questioned confusedly, souring a few of his words due to the affect of the alcohol

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"so you just had a dream about you and some random ass people plus the boys overthrowing the shit government of a city that doesn't exist?" mark questioned confusedly, souring a few of his words due to the affect of the alcohol.

they had all been huddled up around a small fire pit on the roof next to the pool and hot tub, telling stories drunkenly.

literally the only sober ones were jisung and hye, and that was mainly because hye was very underaged and they would all get beat if they allowed her to have even a sip of alcohol. and jisung well because... he's jisung and doesn't exactly enjoy alcohol plus they needed an older person to be able to help them to get back to their rooms so.

"yeah pretty much. and jeno and mark were obsessed with me." hye nodded, carding a hand through her long hair. the two boys have her a look, looking at each other before looking back at her.

"you're literally a child?" jeno trailed out. "so?" the youngest quirked a brow. "that's.... illegal?" mark said slowly, causing laughter from the group.

"haha illegal. what defines illegal? honestly i think it's just a word the government came up with to keep us from doing fun shit." yujun giggled out, closing her eyes with a smile. "too bad the government ain't got shit on me." she sang.

"period queen, you tell em." jaemin called out, leaning over jeno to give her a high five. "hey i have an idea. we should play truth or dare." donghyuck gasped dramatically, eyes widening in realization.

"we're not 7th graders hyuck." chohee deadpanned. the boy rolled his eyes, pushing her head away causing her to bump heads with hye who immediately whined about it. "oh shut the fuck up you're fine." yujun hissed out.

"haha get cucked." renjun laughed, pointing at hye who sat with an irritated expression. "moving on, i agree with hyuck. we should play truth or dare since there's literally nothing else if we're not gonna get back into the pool." chenle sighed, placing his can on the ground.

"we can't get back until one of the housekeeper guys brings our extra towels because you absolute idiots didn't think to bring any." yujun rolled her eyes, glaring at jisung who's eyebrows clashed.

"why are you looking at me!?" she exclaimed defensively. "because you're the one who was supposed to get the towels!" yujun spat, hitting jisung over the head with her free hand.

"whatever, we can wait. for now, chohee truth or dare?" jaemin directed to the girl. "why am i going first?" she groaned, throwing her head back. "truth or dare bitch." the younger repeated.

"dare obviously, i'm not a pussy." chohee scoffed. jaemin smirked, leaning over to hear what donghyuck was trying to whisper to him which surprisingly was an actual whisper and not him drunkenly yelling it at the younger.

"alright. starting off strong, chohee you have to kiss yujun for at least 7 seconds." the black haired boy giggled out, watching in amusement as chohees eyes widened. "why her!?" she immediately coughed, looking at yujun with shock.

"nothing wrong with kissing me sweetheart." yujun smirked, biting her lip teasingly. before anything else could be said the door to the roof opened, revealing one of the housekeepers.

"well if it isn't poor little jo minjun." the chinese mused immediately after seeing who it was, catching the housekeepers eyes immediately. his eyes widened, hands letting go of the towels he had been grabbing from the cart in front of him.

but soon his shocked expression turned stoic, tongue poking his cheek. "huang yujun, i see you're mooching off of the riches again." he gritted out, folding his arms.

everyone looked at the two in confusion. well everyone but renjun. it was obvious these two knew each other, but the question was how and why?

"i was actually brought against my will. because unlike you, i don't have to beg for things to be given to me." yujun chuckled, sipping from her can. "ayo...?" jeno said awkwardly, eyes drifting in between the two.

"he's her ex. he left her because she wouldn't give him money and she had told him she would date girls as well." renjun explained, glaring at minjun who scoffed.

"because girls aren't supposed to date each other and enjoy it." the boy stated strictly. chohee then stood up abruptly, looking at the housekeeper boy with a bored expression. "really?" she tilted her head to the side, reaching to pull yujun up from her seat.

"so technically i cant... do this?" the younger leaned in, placing a peck on yujuns lips before pulling away and looking at minjun whos eyes were blown wide. "yah!" he stuttered out.

"or this?" yujun chuckled, fully pulling the younger in. it was supposed to be a simple kiss in spite of minjun but when she went to pull away, chohee pulled her back by her nape, drunkenly continuing the kiss.

yujun didn't seem to mind much, the adrenaline from the alcohol lingering on their lips. chohee held onto the chinese closely, stabilizing herself so that she wouldn't fall seeing as she was struggling to keep balance. yujuns hands now hung on her hips, both girls finally pulling apart to take deep breaths.

"thanks for the towels mijoon. you can leave now." chenle laughed loudly, signaling with his hand for minjun to go. the boy let out a sound of discomfort, turning to walk out of the rooftop door, not forgetting to slam the door after him.

"that was so hot." everyone turned with wide eyes, giving a confused look to emiko who had just actually spoken to them for the first time like ever. "what? you expect me to stay quiet after that?"

i don't know about this one mates

𝔦𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔷𝔢 𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔢𝔢𝔱𝔰-𝔭𝔧𝔰 Where stories live. Discover now