𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔯𝔱𝔶 𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔢

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"fuck, shit, bitch

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"fuck, shit, bitch. i'm gonna fucking kill myself."
"keep going and you'll hit every cuss word in the book." chohee snapped at jisung who was pacing around the room with tears in his eyes.

"calm down cho." gyuri placed a hand on the girls thigh, sending her a look that showed it wasn't a good time to snap at him. "we're all on fucking edge right now, we shouldn't be the only ones walking on eggshells." she snapped again, anger evident in her voice.

"you're right, but some of us are having a bit of a... harder time." jaehyun sighed towards his sister, looking over at yinxiu who was sobbing in renjuns arms.

some might say that they're overreacting with this situation, but it really did bring fear to the girls family and friends.

especially yinxiu and renjun. this wasn't the first time the girl had done this. and they knew it wasn't going to be the last, but she had been doing to well. they didn't expect for it to happen so soon.

"i'm back!" doyoung announced, walking into his living room in a rush. they all automatically looked at the man, watching walk straight towards yinxiu and renjun. "i found this in her room." he passed a post it note to renjun who accepted it with shaky hands.

doyoung had gone himself to look through their house, making sure yujun wasnt hiding somewhere there.

the chinese boy brought the note closer to his face, reading the messily written words inked on the paper.

dont be mad, i'll bbeokay okey? in cannrot epclsin mcush im in a hurryy butn i woinlkltsbebabcnck

the note was enough to send renjun into a fit of tears. jisung quickly moved towards him after he buried his face into yinxius neck. grabbing and reading what was on the small colored piece of paper, jisungs face distorted into one of anger.

"you're not gonna do anything!?" he looked at doyoung who was surprised that the younger had yelled at him. "you're not gonna try and look for her? send out a search party?" he asked frantically, eyebrows raised while tears fell down his cheeks.

"jisung i-"
"no! because when chohee left for district red without telling anyone, you all immediately made such a big deal about it! but now yujuns gone and no ones moving a muscle!" he cried out, pointing at chohee who's face grew cold.

"jisung please calm down-"
"no i'm not gonna calm down! we have to find her!" the youngest shook his head, wiping his tears furiously.

"jisung please!" yinxiu stood up, meeting eyes with the boy. "it's not as easy as sending out a search party and finding her like that." she coughed out, giving a pained look.

"there isn't anything we can do to make her come back right now. we have to wait for her to come back on her own accord." the older sniffed, head falling low. "well when will that be?" jisung questioned, moving his hands away from his now red and irritated eyes.

"i don't know jisung. i don't know."


𝔦𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔷𝔢 𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔢𝔢𝔱𝔰-𝔭𝔧𝔰 Where stories live. Discover now