𝔣𝔬𝔲𝔯𝔱𝔶 𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔢

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i dream of you almost every night. hopefully i won't wake up this time

a hum left yujuns mouth, the girl attempting to stretch her back only for her head to hit something resulting in her eyes popping open

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a hum left yujuns mouth, the girl attempting to stretch her back only for her head to hit something resulting in her eyes popping open.

"you okay love?" the smooth voice caused her heart to basically jump out of her chest, her head snapping to the side. "beanstalk? did you just call me love?" she questioned, eyebrows furrowing.

she couldn't think, especially when jisungs abnormally large hand was sitting peacefully on her exposed thigh. "yeah, is that okay? i think babes a little too cringe." he scrunched his nose, shaking his head so that his hair would move out of his face.

yujun sat speechless, ultimately lost on how she got into this situation.

"okay love birds, we're here so no making out with each other on the way there." the loud voice of haechan cause yujun to flinch, the girl turning around to glare at him. "how about you shut the fuck up loud ass?" she hissed, earning a smirk.

"you love me."
"she loves you my bottyhole. get in the car bitch." renjun spat from outside of the car, pushing the boy who was halfway in the car all the way in. "you didn't have to shove me asshat." the younger glared at renjun.

"can you guys shut up and get in the car." chohee complained, folding her arms. yujun turned to jisung whos attention was on renjun and chohee who were struggling to climb into the car. she tapped his hand, gaining his full attention.

"where are we going?" she asked quietly. "did that sleep really knock the consciousness out of you? we're going to a birthday dinner." he chuckled, pulling his hand of the steering wheel to ruffle her hair.

"let's get this party rocking baldies, we've got places to go." chohee shouted, interrupting the girls words.


yujun still had no idea who's birthday dinner they were going to but she could tell it was a big deal based on how dressed up they were. they had pulled up to some kind of fancy looking restaurant.

"let's go love." jisung nudged her, interlocking her hands and pulling her along. "can you stop calling me that." she muttered, looking down at the ground. everything about this felt fake. the situation she was in, the fact that just yesterday she was in city stranger with the others perfectly fine.

jisung furrowed his brows, a hurt look taking over his facial expression. "you don't like it? should i just go back to babe? i knew you wouldn't like it." he cursed himself, shaking his head.

yujuns mouth stayed agape, the girl not being able to think on her toes like she usually would be able to. "no no no it's fine i like it i don't know why i said that." she said quickly, shaking her hands in front of her in dismissal.

he gave her a look of relief, leaning down to place a kiss on her forehead as they walked. "awe look at my children." the sound of jaemin squealing in the back of the two could be heard, the couple growing red.

"you guys made it!" yinxiu squealed from the entrance of the restaurant, jumping around in excitement. "they're waiting inside come on!" she pulled on the nearest person, the nearest person being chenle who was stringed along until they got to a private room.

yinxiu shushed everyone with a smile before pushing the door open, revealing two people at a table with their backs to the doors. "surprise!" everyone yelled, filling the room as much as they could.

the minute the two people turned around, yujun froze up. her breath was stuck in her throat and her stomach dropped. there was no way. no way in hell any of this was even remotely real.

"guys!" gyuri whined, eyes widening at the amount of people. "yinxiu you told us it'd just be a birthday dinner with us! the whole gang is here though." she frowned, sentimental tears filling her eyes.

"we thought it'd be nice to surprise you since we havent seen you in a while." jisung smiled, going to hug his older sister. yujun made eye contact with the male right next to her, her blood running cold.

"are you gonna hug me? it is my birthday after all." he smiled, opening his arms towards her. "renshu?" yujun choked out, taking half a step closer. "am i gonna have to get up myself?" he raised a brow.

that was all it took for her to run into his arms, hitting his chest hard. "woah their yuyo." he chuckled, encircling his arms around her. "i missed you." she mumbled into his shirt, tears falling down her cheeks and wetting the material.

"i missed you too." he said, smile filling his lips.


"why don't you go over there instead of sitting here with me?" renshu sighed, nudging his sisters back. yujun turned to him with raised eyebrows. "why would i go over there? he's having fun the way he is, i'll stay here with you." she asked confusedly.

renshu frowned, shaking his head. "if you keep worrying about how other people feel and not about how you feel, you're going to miss out on so much yujun." he caressed her hair. yujun frowned to his words, looking over at jisung who was playing around with ara and chenle.

"and if i worry about how i feel and not them someones bound to get hurt-"
"you're thinking for the worst." renshu interrupted, pulling the girl so that she'd look him in the eyes.

"now i want you to forget all your worries and do what you wanna do." he smiled, ruffling her hair. yujun rolled her eyes, uncontrollable smile filling her lips. "whatever loser." she chuckled.


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