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(this is a special chapter)

beautiful things are always precious
even if you stay for a while then leave

August 14th, 2007
Applewood elementary, City Stranger

"are you guys ready for your first days of school!?" their mother questioned excitedly from the front seat, looking back at the twins with a smile before turning to the eldest child that sat in the passenger seat.

"mommy i'm scared." renjun whined out, slugging in his seat. "don't be scared jun! i'll protect you." yujun exclaimed, holding her small fists up in a fighting motion.

for the twins, it was their first day of third grade. of course they'd be at the same school with the same people.... but the idea of a new school year was always nerve racking. renshu, their older brother would be starting seventh grade meaning it was probably scarier for him.

"too bad you can't protect me yuyo, i'm going to have to fight everyone myself." renshu huffed jokingly, turning around to give his younger sister a pout. "don't worry rennie! if you need me to beat someone up i will!" the girl turned her fists towards the older, giving him the same gesture she did her twin.

"yujun you're not fighting anyone. and sit correctly you have a dress on." their mother scolded, giving her a look through the rearview mirror. "yes ma'am." yujun said obediently, putting her hands down and sitting up straight.

"i want you to all behave at school. renshu if anything happens you can call me." she pat the eldests shoulder, giving him an endearing look. "i know mom." renshu hummed, turning to look out of the window with an inaudible sigh.

"mommy can we get ice cream after school!?" renjun sat forward in excitement. "i won't be off of work by then but you can ask daddy." to the woman's suggestion, all excitement and hope was crushed.

"no it's fine. i think i'll be too tired anyways." renjun frowned, sitting back in his seat.


"yujun!" the girls best friend called out once she got to the gates, a small girl with long black hair that was curled at the ends waving her hands in the air. yujun smiled, running towards the korean girl. "your hair looks so pretty!" yunwong exclaimed, hugging her tight.

due to them being basically fetus's and both having very strict parents, they hadn't seen each other at all over summer. bae yunwong was yujuns only friend, they had gotten close their last year of school because of yunwong transferring to their school and sitting next to yujun in class.

yujun was known to be fairly quiet for her age. not only that but she was smart. she didn't have any friends besides yunwong and renjun, who had his own group of friends, but she was content with what she had.

"you look pretty. whos class are you in?" yujun smiled, pulling back from the hug. "i got mrs. na's class. i heard kim seungmins in that class so i'm excited!" yunwong blushed at the name of the boy, holding her cheeks.

"oh, i got mr. lee. i hope he's not mean." yujun pouted, both girls turning so they could start walking around the school with the small amount of time they had before classes. "hey i heard that's lee jenos dad! him and mrs. na are very close." yunwong gasped, connecting her arm with yujuns.

"ah we got the best friend teachers. this should be a fun school year."

December 12th, 2009
Applewood elementary, City Stranger
5:45 pm

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