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the green haired girl eyed her surroundings, walking the isles of the convenient

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the green haired girl eyed her surroundings, walking the isles of the convenient. she knew there were a few gazes on her, there always was. her tight black pencil skirt rode up her thighs, her light pink turtle neck doing no justice to hide her curves.

mischievous for a 20 year old girl like her but sometimes certain things had to be done for certain reasons. sure she had money to buy herself things like drinks and snacks, but it's so much more fun to milk thirsty men for their money.

she picked out a can of taro boba and a can of strawberry boba then two packs of seaweed. bringing them to the front desk, the teenage boy at the register snapped out of his trance, wiping the drool from the corner of his mouth and quickly going to scan her items.

"well how much are they?" yujun raised a brow innocently at the boy who had gotten distracted once again. "o-oh, it'll be $4." he cleared his throat, avoiding eye contact. yujun chuckled, pretending to check her purse that was slung over her shoulders.

"um, i could've sworn i put my money in here." she shook her head, looking through the purse as if her small wallet wasn't right at the bottom. "um- do you not have cash?" the teen questioned, watching the girl 'struggle'.

"i don't. i guess i'll just put these back then." she pouted with a sigh, going to grab the stuff back off the counter.

"i'll pay!" multiple different men spoke up from different places in the store, almost causing the girl to laugh out loud. too easy. "here i'll pay. just add it to this." a deep voice from behind her sounded, seeming uninterested unlike all the other males there.

he set down a green monster and a can of chocolate milk. tho it was probably a complete stranger, the voice sounded awfully familiar to yujun as she watched him hand the cashier the money.

"thank you. i guess i used my last paycheck on bills." she turned around, bowing with a smile at the boy. from what she had seen the boy was tall, around 5'11-6ft. he had blonde hair, which was obviously dyed, and mouse like facial aspects.

"it's whatever. have a good day." he shrugged, grabbing his things and walking out of the door with the bell on top ringing as he did so. yujun wordlessly grabbed the stuff which the teen boy had thankfully put in a bag for her, winking at him before sauntering out of the store.

she let out a puff of air once outside, running a hand through her green hair. she shivered in the cold, but she was used to it, wearing revealing clothes every afternoon just in case someone wanted to buy her a drink.

some might say that's absurd but in the eyes of huang yujun, it was exhilarating. using men to her benefit and then leaving them disappointed when she makes an excuse to leave them alone. it was like getting men back for objectifying women.

if you're going to go through that every day, might as well get something out of it.

now that was nowhere near as bad as what she actually did with most of her time.

some might call her a criminal.... others calling her badass. robbing stores that were supportive of things that they shouldn't, racing illegally every other week, and lastly beating the ever living shit out of men who tried to harass young women.

she went by the name ren, everyone knew her name- well the street name. popular among the long list of criminals that were in city stranger.

it was ironic, city stranger was known for having a high crime and murder rate whilst their neighboring city: district red, was known for having multiple mafias.

the population of city stranger was large, making it easier for criminals like yujun to keep their identity hidden, and making it hard for the authorities for find out who did what.

but usually most of the criminals had fun with it, creating signature things to show that it was them. for example: ren loved to either spray paint squiggly smiley faces with xs for the eyes or set something on fire in that design.

many people called it cool and interesting, and others hated it with a passion. sometimes she'd mix it with her brother, who mostly raced and stole from places like hobby lobby and homophobic and racist chain businesses.

but the siblings had jobs on the side, yujun working at a dance studio as a popular teacher and renjun working at some kind of maid cafe.... don't ask. they made pretty good money, enough to help theirselves and their aunt live in the nice house they had.

"finally you guys are here. i was thinking you crashed my car." yujun smirked as fong and hyungwo, her two best friends, pulled up with her black tesla. (i'm sorry i feel like david giving all my characters teslas) "it's way too cool to have crashed it noona." fong said through the window of the back seat as hyungwo got out of the drivers seat and moved to sit in the passengers.

"leds make it even cooler." hyungwo clicked his tongue with a wink, signaling to the blue leds that decorated the inside of the car and the bottom of it. "what have i told you about changing the color wo? purple or green, never blue." she hissed, sitting in the drivers seat and throwing the two packs of seaweed at both of them.

"thanks noona." fong smiled, ripping it open almost immediately. "get it on my seats and i'll beat the shit out of you." yujun warned, putting on her seatbelt and beginning to pull out of the front of the store.

while doing so a pair of eyes caught hers. it was the boy from earlier, standing beside a shorter boy with dark brown hair who was drinking the chocolate milk he had bought. she smirked, watching his frozen figure as she drove past as if in slow motion.

"park jisung, looks a little different then he used to in high school." she muttered, getting onto the main road and driving away as fast as the car could go.

"what's up sung?" chenle eyed his best friend, looking at the frozen boys surprised face. "the girl- i payed for her- and she- tesla- what-" he stuttered out, pointing at the car that had just drove off.

"you were scammed jisung. when will you learn." chenle chuckled, shaking his head at the younger boy before walking down the street in the direction of their shared apartment.

sisters birthday is tomorrow and her friends are coming over.... gonna be surrounded by 4th graders that try to terrorize my cat 😔

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