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"this is my new full time assistant, for now you should treat her the same you treat me

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"this is my new full time assistant, for now you should treat her the same you treat me. introduce yourself babe." momo winked at yujun, signaling the girl to speak.

yujun stood tall with confidence oozing from her aura, stepping up to bow a little at the students in the room.

"my names huang yujun, i'm 20 i'll be 21 march 23rd. yes huang renjun is my twin. i hope you guys won't be awkward or scared around me, let's have fun." she smirked, looking around the room and finding jisungs eyes that watched her in a bored way.

"noona, do you have a boyfriend!?"
"do your shoes need shining miss huang?"
"please marry me noona!"

shouts from the boys only fueled yujuns confidence, the girl chuckling at all the boys that called out to her with ridiculous questions and comments.

"i'm here to be an assistant not a girlfriend." she hummed, folding her arms with an amused expression.

jisung scoffed, loud enough for yujun to hear but everyone was too distracted to worry about him.

"for today we're gonna let yujun pick up on the choreo we've been working on." momo announced with a smile, slinging her arm around the taller girl. "if any of you flirt with her i'm giving you detention." she scowled, pointing at the whole of the class.


yujun sighed as she walked down the halls of the university, eyes on her phone. so far, every break they had gotten people had come up to her asking how she knew jeno or renjun or even jisung.

it was now the lunch break momo had given her and she was already fed up with everything about this school.

it was cool being with momo, she was a very laid back and chill person who definitely flirted a lot more then yujun expected but it wasn't anything new to the Chinese.

"yah, are you the girl that's been hanging out with jisung and his friends?" a random girl showed up again and this time it was right behind yujun in line. she had shoulder length wayv dark hair and wore baggy jeans along with a red cropped long sleeve.

"we're not friends, i barley know him so no i'm not trying to steal him from you." yujun said monotoned with a straight face, kind of surprising the smaller girl. the chinese was done with the girls of the university as it is, she didn't need another head of plastic hair up her ass.

"well you seem like a bitch." the girl scoffed, crossing her arms as she continued to walk next to the taller girl. "you remind me of huang renjun. i mean in the looks department, he isn't as bitchy as you've been."

"well we're twins so." she said simply, trying to keep her cool. "so you're the "hoe" that all the boys have been drooling over and all the girls have been hating on." she held her head back a little while nodding.

"yeah sure." yujun said unenthusiastically. it was then her turn to get her tray. "well i'll give you a piece of advice. since you don't even go here, don't have such a bratty attitude. especially around me." the girl smiled sickly, waving at the taller before strutting off.

yujun rolled her eyes hard, shaking her and searching for a table.

"woah you just brick walled the jung chohee." the sound of jenos deep voice made yujun feel a little less mad, the girl turning to the side to look at the younger with a grimace. "who is she to be so bratty?" she scrunched up her face.

"her older brother is jung jaehyun, it makes her basically untouchable." jeno explained, leading yujun to a table. "jung jaehyun?" yujun raised a brow, placing her tray down and sitting at the blue table.

"he's a senior, really handsome guy. like the king of the school. haelin has its own set hierarchy." to that yujun signaled for jeno to continue.

"there's the king, jung jaehyun. everyone adores him seeing as he can do pretty much anything and he's got the face of a god. then there's choi sarang, the lesbian goddess everyone drools over.

she's the captain of the soccer and volleyball team and she's also a senior. then jung chohee, surprisingly the president of asb. she's in my grade. and there's also jaemin hes very popular here.

i mean our whole group is, especially jaemin jisung and mark. mark because he's a senior and jaemin and jisung because theyre both very attractive.

oh then there's eguchi emiko, she's shy but effortlessly gorgeous-"

"wait isn't she... a part of error?" yujun cut in the youngers explanation of the people at the university, holding her hand out. jeno nodded with a chuckle. "the rest of the girls in error go to white chapel in district red, emiko goes here because donghyucks her boyfriend and she didn't want to go to a different school."

jeno shrugged, taking a sip of his chocolate milk. "isn't she like mute?" yujun trailed off confused.

"that she is, but it's selective." another person spoke, sitting down at their table along with a few other people. "you guys have lunch period already?" jeno questioned his friends confusedly.

"miss bae let us out early." jaemin concluded grumpily, forcefully picking up his very black coffee and drinking from the straw. "woah what's got you all pissy mate?" yujun laughed, patting jaemins shoulder.

"stupid yoon sanha and huang hyunjin, touching up my wife." jaemin mumbled, death glaring a certain table across the room. everyone looked over to where the black haired boy was glaring, almost busting into loud laughter once seeing the person he was talking about.

"bruhhh how do you think you're gonna compete with those two hyung?" chenle teased, pointing at the older with a mischievous grin. jaemin rolled his eyes, sitting back in his chair with his arms folded.

"yeah and while your boyfriend is being buddy buddy with the superior 00 liners my girlfriend is hanging out with an 05 liner and his friends." donghuck pouted, leaning his head on his arm. they all looked over to where emiko sat.

"yeah but they're all japanese so it makes sense idiot." jisung rolled his eyes, slapping his hyung. "plus you said she's scared of us so."

"why would anyone be scared of you guys?" yujun scoffed, raising both of her eyebrows in shock. they all gave annoyed looked, shaking their heads and rolling their eyes. "money." jisung answered simply.

"ah right, daddy's boys." the girl nodded. "yah huang yujun!" the youngest boy said in a pained way, earning a teasing smile from the older. "auntie told me to always say the first thing that comes to mind." she held her chest in a dramatic way, earning snickers from the table.

"aish why are the roles suddenly changed?" jisung muttered, shoving fries into his mouth angrily. "learned from the best, park jisung." yujun answered, smirking in a way that sent shivers down jisungs spine.

she was really making him pay for his past actions.

yall i'm so excited they put a korean bl movie on netflix 🥺👉🏼👈🏼

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