𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔯𝔱𝔶 𝔣𝔦𝔳𝔢

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"ah city stranger

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"ah city stranger. shitty cum filled city stranger." yujun sighed, stepping out of the airport with her arm entangled with jenos. "please don't ever refer to our city as "cum filled" again." chenle told the older in disgust, pushing his suit case in front of him.

"he's right. i cant keep defending you bestie." jeno agreed, shaking his head at the girl. she laughed out a scoff, playfully letting go of jenos arm. "i'm leaving you for jisung." she stuck her tongue out, walking towards the tall boy and locking her arms around his waist.

he was startled, his attention going from whatever gyuri was saying to sungho, to the girl who had buried her face in the crock of his neck.

"you smell nice." she mumbled, tightening her hold on the boy. jisung laughed lightly, moving his hand to pat her head. "thanks, i stole some of jaemin hyungs cologne before we got on the plane. it lasts for so long." he explained, smile reaching his lips as he looked over their group that was waiting for their cars to pull up.

"wear it more. it smells good on you." yujun hummed, moving her head to the side so it rested on his back. "i'm tired and hungry." she complained.

"the drivers should be here shortly. if you want i could take you to like zennys first, you said you liked that place a lot didn't you?" jisung suggested, turning his head back to the side so he could glance back at the girl.

"has anyone ever told you that you are the human embodiment of god himself park jisung?" yujun asked excitedly, puking her head away from the boys back to offer him a teasing smile.

"i've been told." jisung joked along with her, small smirk filling his lips. "let me go tell yinxiu. fong and hyungwo are supposed to bring my car so i'll just have them take her and renjun home." yujun said, patting jisung before walking towards her aunt who she still wasn't on very good terms with.

another tap to his shoulder brought jisung out of his thoughts. "she's doing it again." renjun mumbled, turning to the younger with a small proud smile.

jisung gave a confused look to the older, creasing his brows. "doing what?" he trailed out, shuffling his feet around on the ground. "she's been clingy hasn't she?" renjun gained a knowingly look, the boy handing jisung a mango aloe drink.

jisung nodded, eyes absentmindedly finding yujuns figure which was right in front of yinxiu. "she has this thing i've noticed. it doesn't happen much, but when she wants to know if someone can be trusted, she'll gradually initiate skinship with you." he explained, opening his own drink.

"after everything that happened in our childhood, i understand. but don't worry, it's not a bad thing just show you're comfortable around her and she'll do the same." the older smiled sadly.

jisung nodded, a tingling feeling filling his stomach. yujun chose him to trust. she wanted to at least. and that thought brought a whole zoo of butterflies into jisungs stomach.


"yeah jisung said he'll take me to get food so." yujun said with a bored tone, still quite irritated with her aunt. the woman smiled the best she could, grabbing her purse. "do you need money?" she questioned, looking through her purse.

"no i should be fine don't worry about it. also fong and hyungwo are coming to pick you and renjun up." the younger said monotonously, pushing the cash yinxiu had offered away from her.

"oh okay." yinxiu nodded her head, pushing a strand of her hair behind her ear. "are you okay? aren't you tired?" she asked, making no effort to hide her concerned tone. yujun pursed her lips, looking back at jisung and renjun before looking at yinxiu slowly.

but she did a double take when the sight of a woman approaching the large group caught her eyes. they grew wide, a wave of anxiety and grief hitting her hard at the sight of the woman.

"y-yinxiu." she squeaked out, habitually going to hide behind her aunt. this triggered something in yinxiu, the older knowing yujun hadn't ever done that since forever. she almost immediately found the woman's figure, face becoming dark.

"go with renjun." she said lowly, walking towards the woman. yujun obeyed her aunts words, quickly walking over to renjun to bow hide behind his back.

"what's wrong? who's here?" he asked almost immediately, knowing her habit of hiding behind them when she was near someone that caused her trauma. in this case.....



𝔦𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔷𝔢 𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔢𝔢𝔱𝔰-𝔭𝔧𝔰 Where stories live. Discover now