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"try to relax your form girls

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"try to relax your form girls. a lot of you are really stiff when doing the move you just did." yujun directed at the group of girls she was set to mentor for the time being. they all breathed out in a pained way as the girl stopped the music.

"it's not that easy huang." chohee hissed out, rolling her eyes at the older girl. yujun raised a brow at the girl, watching her pull a hand through her hair. "it actually is jung." the chinese bit back.

chohee stepped up with her chin held high, not letting her gaze fall from yujuns. "then you try it. show us how to be wonderfully stiff when we just learned it today." she pushed on, earning a scoff from the green haired girl.

"fine. but you girls have to promise me to try and be less stiff." yujun mused on, smirking over at the girls who nodded profusely. she moved to press play on the music again, quickly pulling her hair into a low bun before beginning to dance.

the rest of the class watched as she flowed with the music. her body moved almost fluidly, doing the dance with ease.

it surprised the students with how fast she learned the dance and the way she was able to control her moves perfectly. anyone could tell she's been doing this for years upon years just from just one glance.

she finished with a straight face, clapping filling the room as she turned to chohee with a smile.

"if you practice correctly, you understand it." she breathed, moving the hairs that now framed her face behind her ears. "just because you learned it today doesn't mean you can't relax yourself. now girls let's get back to it." the girl winked before clapping her hands together.

"boys! you have completely different parts from the girls so i suggest you keep your eyes on me if you want to learn them." momo snapped in the air to get the male students attention, rolling her eyes when a string of complaints came from the boys.

but jisung on the other hand was stunned. out of the small amount of times he had seen yujun dance that probably had to be the most impressive.

don't get him wrong the other ones were mind blowing but learning that hard of a choreo in a time span of an hour an a half? did she have photographic memory or something?

he actually envied the chinese a lot before her complex ways of dancing. they were on the same level but he felt as if it was way cooler for her. it was just something about the way she was able to do things that blew his mind, wether it was with dance or something completely different.

"jisung if you don't pay attention youll- oh shit." momo tried to call the boy out while he subtly danced the moves he was taught. he was distracted beyond distracted mainly by his thoughts so when the japanese woman tried to get his attention he immediately jolted in the midst of doing a turn causing him to fall hard.

he hissed in pain, holding his leg that completely went numb in a time span of 2.5 seconds. it was a kind of numb where he couldn't really feel anything but the weight of his leg brought pain underneath the skin.

"well fuck jisung what have i told you about spacing out while dancing?" momo hissed, quickly running to the boys side. everyone watched in concern as the boy rocked back in forth, trying to relax himself from freaking out because of the pain.

tears brimmed his eyes the minute momo pressed a bit of pressure to his knee, he only instinct being to shoot his hand out with a yelp to tell the woman to stop.

"fuck fuck okay um jeno come help me pick him up. sarang watch the class while me yujun and jeno take him to the infirmary please." the dance teacher instructed, all of them nodding and going to help the boy off the ground.

yujun took one of jisungs arms around her shoulder seeing she was a lot taller then momo and it'd be a bit hard for the boy to slump on her short shoulders.

"didn't you injure your knee in high school?" yujun questioned as they began to help the boy walk towards the doors. jisung nodded, not wanting to talk in fear of his emotions slipping out and him not being able to contain them.

"idiot, you shouldn't be doing such complicated moves." the chinese rolled her eyes. "it's nice to know you care about me princess." the younger managed out, a breathy chuckle leaving his lips.

the chinese glared at the side of his head before rolling her eyes. "don't call me princess kid, i could literally throw you back on the ground right now so you can become buddy buddy with the mice down there. maybe they'll treat you like cinderella and help you magically get to the infirmary." she muttered out, earning a laugh from jeno who then earned a smack on the arm bye momo who just glared at him.

"it was funny!"
"shut up lee."

that was funny you have to admit

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