𝔣𝔦𝔣𝔱𝔶 𝔣𝔦𝔳𝔢

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"this bridge

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"this bridge...." mark trailed off, stepping carefully onto the heavily unlit bridge with a smile. although it was raining, you could definitely make out the fact that there was an old arched bridge. it was large and long, the only thing illuminating it being the very weak lanterns perched on the sides of it.

"uhh mark. it's actually like really dark." yujun trailed off, looking over the ledge with a gasp before she jumped back. the waves had been crashing up against the support beams of the bridge, creating an uneasy feeling in her stomach.

"what?" mark creased his brows, looking at the girl who had an unsure expression on her face. "uhh i have like a really bad fear of water. bridges feed into that." she confessed, letting out an embarrassed laugh right after.

mark gasped, growing just as embarrassed as she was. "i'm sorry, i didn't really plan on taking anyone here." he wiped the water out of his face. "no it's fine don't worry. as long as i don't look at it that much it should be fine." yujun shook her head, carding a hand through her wet locks.

the older sighed, going to sit right in the middle of the bridge. yujun watched him confusedly. he seemed happy and sad. at the same time. she didn't understand it much but she guessed it was a mark thing.

"you know, this bridge leads to the city harbor." he looked ahead of him with empty eyes, smile still plastered on his face. the younger girl gave him a look, going to sit down next to him. "everyone knows that. ive never actually been there though." she snickered, crossing her legs.

the rain hitting their skin was cold but soothing, their clothes sticking close to their skin. yujun thanked herself for wearing something other than jeans and a tank top.

she turned to mark, the males head now swinging low. "i have. not for a year. but i have." he chuckled. his tone was as empty as his eyes were, concerning the girl next to him further.

"a year ago, i gained an unfinished symphony." he confessed, pulling a confused sound from yujun. "the reason jeno picked up jisung in district red, you asked about it." he lifted his gaze, sad eyes setting on her. she simply nodded, droplets of water failing gracefully from her

"i live in district red once. fell in love with a girl. she wasn't perfect but that's what made her special." mark laughed. "a year ago, that same girl was shot and killed on a boat from that harbor." he explained, watching yujuns eyes widen momentarily before she had to close them due to the rain water entering.

"i'm sorry." she coughed out, not exactly knowing what to say in the situation. "i'm sure she was cool. i mean she had to of been if she got the mark lee, coolest guy on the earth to love her." she joked in an attempt to lift the olders spirit.

and it visibly did, the male chuckling at her words. "she was very... blunt and blocked off. but once she came around, she was so fun to be around." he reminisced, large smile filling his lips.

"what was her name?" yujun questioned with raised brows, leaning on her palms behind her. "kim freya."
"what!?" the younger gasped, snapping her sight back to the male.

"kim freya? as in kim jiyoo? as in 5'6 really snappy and no filter but hot as hell? that freya?" she let out, heart swelling up.

"you know her?" mark looked surprised himself, tilting his head. "dude, district red is practically my second home." yujun scoffed. the older hummed, nodding his head.

"that's sad. i loved her." the chinese sighed, stomach feeling empty yet again. "yeah so did i. i wish we were together right now." he said, picking at the skin of his thumb.

yujun pursed her lips, pushing herself up from the ground. "let's dance." she said abruptly, holding her hand out to the older. he gazed up at her, visibly confused by her words. "we are being way to angsty right now. might as well." she insisted, leaning down to grab the boys hand and pull him up.

"this is gonna be really awkward." mark chuckled as she placed her hands on his shoulders. "don't worry white boy, i'm used to your awkwardness." she snickered.

so they danced. the rain was still failing, not as heavy as it was before but enough for them to feel it through their clothes. this duo was unexpected, both of them not exactly having the closest relationship.

but it was calming. sorta like telling a stranger your problems and not having to worry because there's really no room for total judgment.

both pairs of eyes were closed, the two basking in each other's relaxing presence.

that was until mark felt a light being flashed against his closed eyes. he wanted to shrug it off as nothing, but curiosity peaked his interest. so he opened them, eyes widening when he realized what the source of the bright light was.

he let out a small sound, not thinking as he shoved the girl away from him. yujun let out a noise of distress as she hit the ground, snapping her eyes open and reading herself to yell at the older.

but the sight in front of her left her speechless.

i want bright orange hair brov

also haha planning planning all the worlds are gonna connect this is kinda cool idk guys idk

𝔦𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔷𝔢 𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔢𝔢𝔱𝔰-𝔭𝔧𝔰 Where stories live. Discover now