𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔯𝔱𝔶 𝔰𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔫

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there was a comfortable silence that filled the car as yujun drove them down the street

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there was a comfortable silence that filled the car as yujun drove them down the street. her eyes were set on the road and nothing else, one hand on the wheel while the other sat on the shift knob.

jisung could tell many things were going on inside her head. serious expression painting her face while her fingers gripped the wheel until her knuckles became white.

he looked out of the window, the city lights a pretty sight. but they were driving away from the city lights, confusing the younger boy.

"yujun where are we going? zennys is back in the middle of the city." he questioned quietly, watching different houses passing now. "don't worry park. i just need to make sure to pick up something from my house before my mum gets to it." yujun said curtly, trapping her bottom lip between her teeth.

jisung gave her a worried look, leaning forward in his seat. "are you sure about this yujun?" he asked wearily. the girl parked the car, taking her seatbelt off and yanking her door open.

jisung pulled his opened as well, stumbling out and to yujuns side. "it's dark. we could just come back tomorrow. do you even have your key-"
"jisung." yujun intervened, turning back to the younger boy who now had a pout on his lips.

he ultimately had no idea what was going on like at all, but he was scared. the way yujun began to tremble seeing her mother and the fact that they couldn't go straight back to their house after seeing her just didn't sit right with him.

"i'll explain everything jisung i promise. but stay out here for me, okay?" the girl stepped closer, grabbing his trembling hand. "but-" "i'll only be a minute. we can get zennys after okay?" she said softly, caressing his soft locks.

he gave her one last worried gaze before sighing, nodding his head in agreement. she tried to smile, holding eye contact with the taller for a few seconds more before leaning in and placing a soft kiss on his cheek.

"i'll be back." she hummed, turning on her heal to walk across the cross walk of the empty road. jisung stood in a daze, not expecting the sudden action.

mikyo on the other hand? she was trembling nervously. why? her mums car was very obviously parked right outside of their house.

now you might be wondering, huang yujun, if you are so undeniably terrified of your mother and her presence, why on earth are you about to enter the place she was very obviously waiting out in?

yujun didn't even know the answer to that herself. but she did know that she was gonna try and clear at least a few things up.

she unlocked the door to their house, slowly opening the door. stepping in, she couldn't even take her shoes off before making eye contact with no other than her mother who sat on the couch, holding an object in her hand.

"w-where did you find that?" yujun stuttered out, being the first one to break the silence. "there's a lot of things you're good at yujun." her mother spoke, looking at the locket in her hand.

𝔦𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔷𝔢 𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔢𝔢𝔱𝔰-𝔭𝔧𝔰 Where stories live. Discover now