𝔣𝔦𝔣𝔱𝔶 𝔱𝔥𝔯𝔢𝔢

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nobody breaks my heart

when yujun said she'd wait for the universe to pull them together

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when yujun said she'd wait for the universe to pull them together. she didn't mean the next day in the dance studio, gyuri and momo having just told her they had entered her in the competition with jisung.

"you can't do that!?" jisung exclaimed, jaw dropping at the woman. "we can and we did." gyuri smirked, patting her little brothers head only for him to slap it away.

"we only have a few days left until comp and yujun only knows the mirrored version." he hissed out, pointing an angry finger at yujun who scoffed. "that's the point beanstalk." she said in an obvious tone, folding her arms.

"they want us to preform mirrored. it gives more to the performance than us just dancing side by side." she explained simply, momo and gyuri nodding along to her words. "i wanted to win this with my own effort." she glared at momo who laughed nervously, rubbing her neck.

"well technically-"
"no there is no technically. he made this dance and you're gonna have me tag along with him?" yujun cut the woman off, hints of frustration becoming prominent in her voice.

"okay listen, you two need to make up eventually. all of this fighting shit is fucking petty and useless. be professional for once." yinxiu cut in from the sidelines, audibly fed up with the twos constant arguing when just a month and a half ago they were stuck like glue.

"well maybe if my feelings weren't invalidated." jisung rolled his eyes, eliciting a scoff from yujun. "oh my feelings were invalidated by you long ago you just think that because i didn't completely shut you out that it was okay." she ranted.

"and when yinxiu and renjun told you that i needed time, hence the reason i went to district red, yet you still showed up to try and get me to come back home?" she continued, eyebrows raised and creased.

"oh but i'm so sorry that i didn't accept your confession when i was trying to protect you and other people i've learned to love." her hands were up in defense, sarcasm seeping from her words.

jisung stood there, poker face taking over his expression. his emotions were raging and he was currently fighting with himself to say things he probably didn't want to say.

"well i'm sorry for also trying to protect someone i love!" he retorted. yujun rolled her eyes, tongue poking the inside of her cheek. "i told you, you don't need to protect me! i very obviously have everything under control."

"do you yujin? or are you just telling yourself that because you can run away from things until they're better." yujun stopped at his words, eyes hardening. the younger always pushed buttons and right now he pushed the detonator.

"you need to stay out of my business park. everything that happened over these past months, forget about it. it meant nothing and never will." she seethed, pointing at the boy angrily. and with a simple turn, the girl made her way out of the studio.

"fine! i wanted to forget anyways!" the boy called out, voice cracking as he did. he wanted to seem as strong as she was being in this situation. but all he could do was let out an empty sob, knees going week as he fell to the ground.

nine years. nine years only for his first real love to tell him the things they did together meant nothing. nine years. nine fucking years. gone. down the drain. chewed up and spit out like gum. gum. that was the perfect definition. enjoy it until it loses flavor, then you spit it out and it's gone.

in this case, jisung was the gum. maybe he had just lost flavor.

okay ew i hate this chapter so much

𝔦𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔷𝔢 𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔢𝔢𝔱𝔰-𝔭𝔧𝔰 Where stories live. Discover now