𝔱𝔴𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔶 𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔢

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"morning whores

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"morning whores." yujun smiled, walking into the private common room. everyone gave her a look. "it's 4:49 in the afternoon." doyoung deadpanned, looking at his watch to check the time.

"do i look like i really care bunny man?" yujun smiled sarcastically, earning a gasp from her aunt as she stood quickly. "i told him not to call him that. i'm sorry about her mr. kim." yinxiu gritted out, turning to bow to her boss.

"i get it a lot, it's alright. and yinxiu, please call me doyoung and relax. there's a reason i invited you here and it wasn't because of the fact that you work for me." doyoung smiled, placing a hand on the woman's shoulder.

"please don't flirt with my aunt right in front of me."
"i wasn't-"
"you were and i don't want you to do it again."

with that yujun walked towards the small kitchen area where most of the younger people were at, having normal conversation.

"sup sluts." she smiled, snickering at the sight unfolding in front of her. donghyuck was back hugging renjun with a mischievous smile while jeno held back an angry jaemin. "what are you doing to my poor brother?" renjun gave the girl a look, practically begging for help.

"jaemin said something stupid about us stealing emiko from hyuck and then hyuck decided to tease jaemin." chenle explained with a sigh, rolling his eyes. yujun nodded, shrugging it off and walking further into the kitchen where jisung and chohee were sat on their phones.

"what are you two? introverts?" she said almost immediately, gaining the attention of the two. jisungs eyes doubled in size while chohee just scoffed, going back to her phone.

"why do you look like you've seen a ghost beanstalk? i mean i know i'm pale but i'm not that pale." yujun laughed, opening the fridge to grab a bottle of water. jisung struggled to create words, his ability to speak suddenly flying out of the window.

chohee looked up to give the red boy a look, a loud laugh leaving her lips when she caught a glance of the boys cherry red face. "you good park? you look like lighting mcqueen- OH MY GOD SAY KACHOW." the older joked, sitting up straight.

yujun looked at the younger in amusement, leaning on the counter in front of her. "what's got you all hot and bothered?" she teased, only further causing jisungs flustered state.

"according to my statistics, you shoved your tongue down his throat last night and he liked-"
"don't say it like that!" jisung exclaimed, scrambling to cover the girls mouth in a panic.

"pause, what did i do?" yujun raised a brow. jisung turned to her with a pained expression, flinching and yanking his hand away from chohee. "did you just bite me!?" he breathed out, looking at the now red part of his hand.

"yes i did, don't put your hands anywhere near my mouth again park or you'll be counting your days." chohee smirked coldly, hopping off of her stool and walking into the main room. jisung watched her go, dread filling his chest the moment he realized he was basically alone with yujun.

"so what's this about me shoving my tongue down your throat now?" yujuns deep voice close to his ear caused his eyes to widen, adam's apple bobbing up and down as he swallowed hard.

"i-it really was nothing i mean, you were drunk and i couldn't escape you so i just let it happen but don't take that as me taking advantage as you because i swear i didn't i just didn't know how to-"
"park, slow down."

the boy took a deep breath, turning to the older girl with his red cheeks and ears.

"we kissed in the hot tub for a while last night. i swear nothing else happened." he sighed out, placing his head in his hands. yujuns face was blank, eyes falling to his neck.

"ah so i'm guessing that's where you got these." she snickered, pulling down the collar of his shirt to see multiple dark spots littered on his neck chest and collarbones. jisung groaned in embarrassment, shoving her hands away from them.

"you know i don't care jisung, it's not much to worry about. i'm sure you've kissed multiple girls before." she shook her head, the cold water bottle meeting her lips right after.

"yeah but not drunk ones with tongue piercings and a problem with calling me shawty." he hissed. yujun exhaled through her nose, small smile filling her lips. "how did i not even know you had a tongue piercing?"

"you didn't know she had a tongue piercing?"
"stay out of this chohee." jisung groaned, flipping his middle finger to the older.

yujun laughed along, trying her hardest to feel the bubbling feeling in her stomach after hearing what jisung had told her.

she shouldn't care at all. she's kissed multiple people. but why did she kiss jisung? why was this bothering her so much? why did she feel as if she was about to cry.

"well bitches get ready cause we're going to the bar and leaving you at the beach." yuta walked into the kitchen area, clapping his hands together. "aw you won't be there to hype me up in my hot new bathing suit i got?" yujun called out, pouting at the older jokingly.

"i'm sure jeno and jisung would love to do that." renjun retorted, sending a look to his twin sister. yujun smiled, winking at jeno before turning to jisung. "you gonna hype me up in the bathing suit you bought me?" she mused, raising a brow at the younger.

jisung grew even more red, throwing his head back in embarrassment. although excitement bubbled in both of their stomachs, yujun getting the sudden urge to have jisungs approval.

it was weird because huang yujun? looking for someone's approval? huang yujun looking for a mans approval? fucking wack.

fucking wack.

thinking about wearing a skirt tm just to feel cute idk besties idk besties

𝔦𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔷𝔢 𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔢𝔢𝔱𝔰-𝔭𝔧𝔰 Where stories live. Discover now