𝔣𝔦𝔣𝔱𝔶 𝔬𝔫𝔢

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yeah you can start over, you can run free. you can find other fish in the sea. you can pretend it's meant to be, but you can't stay away from me.

yujun took her sunglasses off as she reached out for the handle of the cafe, pulling the door open and pushing the object into her purse

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yujun took her sunglasses off as she reached out for the handle of the cafe, pulling the door open and pushing the object into her purse.

the smell of coffee and baked goods floated in the atmosphere, the loud noise of bustling people filling the cafe. yujun let her eyes roam the building, landing on a familiar face looking right back at her.

she sighed, turning in her heel to head to the table. she was unamused, had absolutely no desire to be where she was right now. but at this point running away wasn't a choice.

"finally, i've only been waiting here half an hour." nina sassed. yujun had to hold herself from pouncing on the girl right then and there, her blood already boiling at the sight of her. "don't test me ahn. i will drag your ass in front of all these people." she hissed out.

"i don't even understand why i'm here in the first place." she muttered, sitting down in the chair in front of the girl. "i just wanted to catch up with my cousin, is that not okay?" nina said innocently, taking a drink from her tea.

"dont try to be friends with me nina. call soojin and be over with it." yujun rolled her eyes. nina chuckled, shaking her head. "you really need to calm down yujun, whatever you've got going on really isn't that serious. i don't know why you're acting like this." she said, eyebrows raised judgmentally.

"the way i act is none of your business first of all. and you are the last person i'd want to see when i come back home." yujun stated with an irritated tone, biting the inside of her cheek.

"and why is that yujun? because i've been hanging out with-"
"don't. nina." the older said sternly, glaring at her darkly. it was a childish situation but the tension from the two was visible from miles away.

"what? i find it funny you're too pussy to say anything but now your mad because i wasn't and stepped in before you could." nina mused, leaning back in her chair leisurely. she obviously wanted to add fuel to the fire, and at this point the fire was unstoppable.

"i had goddamn enough of it nina. the minute i even showed a little bit of attraction to jisung you stepped right in and did the annoying shit you love to do." yujun seethed. she knew people around them in the cafe were probably looking but all honesty she didn't give a shit.

nina might've gifted fun and games to everyone, but to yujun she gifted betrayal and stress yujun did not need added onto her life.

"i know he adores you, but this time you're not going to get in the goddamn way." she spat, poking ninas chest. the younger only smirked, looking over at the door once the bell rang, indicating someone new had walked in.

"nina! sorry i'm late, there was like major traffic but i came the minute you texted me." yujun froze, eyes hardening at the eager voice coming from next to her. "it's okay jisung, i had a close relative to keep me company." nina smiled at the younger boy, looking yujun right in the eyes.

jisung paused, turning to see the girl who was glaring at nina. "yujun? you finally decided to come back huh?" he said bitterly, only further causing yujuns utmost irritation. he was still mad.

"yeah, only took a month an a half i heard." nina added on, folding her arms over her chest. yujun kissed her teeth, letting out a dark humorless chuckle. "looks like it only took a month for you to become a replacement, just as you were in the first place." she countered, earning a gasp from her cousin.

jisungs jaw dropped, face misting a rosy color at the expulsion. "you can have your fun with her, trying to forget me. but i'm not someone you can just forget park, those nine years show proof of it." she stood, patting the youngers shoulder before swiftly walking out of the cafe.


𝔦𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔷𝔢 𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔢𝔢𝔱𝔰-𝔭𝔧𝔰 Where stories live. Discover now