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3 months later...

"She wants to meet me one last time-"

"No way in hell you are going to see her Ji. Oh for fuck's sake, tell her something Taehyung." Jungkook growls as he bangs his fist on the dining table making me flinch.

Mrs. Jeon was caught while she was drowning herself in cheap alcohol in a local bar. Charges were placed on her and the court had taken her into custody for two years. It's been a month already and she's been calling upon us for one last word.

"I don't think it's safe for you to go there baby. And more over that woman only wants you, alone." Taehyung's grip on my waist tightens as he pulls me closer to his body. "I know Tae, it's not like we are going to sit right in front of each other or anything. The cops are still going to be present there and there will be some distance that will separate us so don't worry, both of you." I say and look at Jungkook too.

They both heave a sigh before Jungkook leaves the living room while Taehyung cuddles closer to me, "I want you to be safe at all times, no matter what. I'm gonna stay right behind the doors. So scream as soon as she tries to move or harm you. I am going to come running to you like your hero that I am and kick that witch away from you." he says into my neck and looks up at me. I chuckle at his childish words but nod nonetheless, "So dramatic" I peck his nose and hold him tighter.


My heart is beating at the speed of lightning as I take deep breaths, my hands resting on the door knob that is now separating me from the women. I turn towards Taehyung and give him a small smile and turn towards Jungkook who is nervously biting on his lower lip. I take one last long breath and turn the knob getting inside the sickening room.

There she sits behind a thin glass. Her eyes no more seems fiery and alive, it is as if the life has been taken away from them. The orange victim suit hangs loosely on her body and the hand cuffs adorn her wrists that she is now slowly banging the table with.

I walk closer to her, the clicking of my heels the only sound resonating inside the deadly silent room. Her eyes lift up to mine when I stand in my position. I can swear that I saw the slightest hint of tears that collect but she lowers her head down.

I take in a deep breath again and place myself on the chair.

"Jia" she calls out, her voice barely above a whisper. It was more like she was reminding herself about my presence here.

"What do you want?" I ask her in a monotone. She looks up at me and smiles, a smile that I hadn't seen in years, a smile that was genuine.

"Thank you. Thank you for coming." She says as a tear rolls down on her slightly wrinkled face.

"It's ok. Just tell me what you want." This time my voice comes out softer. Though she might have hurt me or crossed the line, she still was still the women who gave birth to Jungkook, she was still the same women who lost her husband because of me.

"I don't want anything from you Jia. I just want you to listen to me" Her hushed, yet desperate voice comes out as she pleads me. I don't give her any verbal answer but nonetheless nod at her.

She takes in a deep breath and looks down at her cuffed hands, her fingers clasped together and then she finally opens her chapped lips to continue, "I'm sorry." Her voice breaks and I know she's trying her best to not cry by the way she keeps blinking her eyes.

"I know my sorry won't do anything, but that's the most I can say to you from the place I am in right now. I let my emotions and hurt get the best of me, I know. But I couldn't help it Jia. I loved him, I loved him with all of me and when he left me, the woman he had loved all those years, just for your mother all I could do was blaming you." A lone tear escapes her dead eyes.

"If you never met my son, he would never have fallen for you, he would never have brought you to our house, he would never have introduced us to you and your family, my husband wouldn't have caught feelings for your mother and most importantly" she breaks down and my heart clenches by the way in which she is sobbing. I know she hurt me in a way she shouldn't have, she did wrong to me but in the end she is still a human who had immense amount of love for her husband. "He wouldn't have died"

Love; that is what it does to you, makes you take decisions that you would either regret later or will make you as proud as the Satan himself. To be honest, I don't think love is blind; instead love makes you take blind decisions. You don't think much in the spur of the moment, its either do or die; and that is just because you either want to prove your love to the person and make him trust your feelings for them or you either want to make them regret for hurting your feelings.

"I'm sorry, I thought you were still in love with Jungkook and when I saw you taking the after pills at the store, all I could think was about your sexual relations with my son. It was wrong of me to do those to you, I know but I swear it wasn't me who did it; it was probably the mother that is still alive in me that took her steps. This is no excuse Jia, and I know I may sound crazy telling these to you, but it is what I feel." She says and sniffs. But all I can do is look at the woman that I was once so proud of calling her as a mother.

"I know it is selfish of me to ask you this, but please take care of Jungkook. I still remember how miserable he was when you guys would fight or the time when his father decided to divorce me. He's sensitive and baby like from the inside, he doesn't speak them out or express them, seeing his physique people do think that he's strong and cold hearted, but I know him. Though all those huge muscles cover his body, he has the heart of a baby, he tries to always do good to others and in the end he forgets that he has a life of his own to live too. So please take care of him, like your brother." She looks up at me but that doesn't last long as she looks back down.

All that she said is absolutely true, Jungkook is a baby. He lives his life to keep others happy, to keep others content, but in the end his feelings are left with himself to deal with. He talks to me, or at least he used; and when he speaks he expresses it only to the right person. He's a baby, a fragile and sensitive little kid from the inside, but at the same time he's wise and intelligent too. I've tried telling him, that he needs to be his first priority and then comes the rest of the world, but the boy is stubborn as hell.

"I will. Take care of yourself, and I'm sorry too" and that is all it took for her to break down more. As much as I want to break these glasses and let her cry on y shoulder, I cold heartedly I stand up from my seat and walk away from her.

When I open the door with my cold shivering hands, Taehyung stands there with a warm smile, "Did you hear all of it?" I ask him with my trembling voice and he nods slowly. I jump into his arms and let his shirt soak all the salty waters that are overflowing from my eyes as he holds me tightly in his arms, whispering sweet nothings.
I'm back from the dead...lol just kidding
The book was supposed to end in a few chapters but guess what, your stupid author forgot to add the main storyline into the book.
So I might extend a chapter or two to the original ending and then this book will finally be done.
Love you all like always my munchkins ❤️

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