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After a whole mass of debate, Jungkook and Areum win over me to go play at the game section while I decided to please myself with some banana milk that I have come to like because of Jungkook.

I walk around the mall trying to find some closet accessories to make sure I can fit my clothes inside Areum's closet and my eye catches the sight of the man I would not expect to see when I've been ignoring the shit out of him. I turn around at the speed of lightning and start pacing in the opposite direction.

I pray that he wouldn't have seen me, but thinking back, he got out of the Gucci store with two huge bags labeled with the same store's name. The man is probably rich.

"Jia stop" the sudden voice startles but either way I don't look back and started hurrying. You can think of me as a coward right now and I won't mind, but his text from last night sends shivers down my spine because of the wrong way in which my unholy brain took the 'punishment' word.

"Jia, stop ignoring me" his huge hands wrap around my wrist and pulls me back, making me bump into his chiseled chest.

Being the coward that I am, I turn around and start the most naïve act, "Oh Taehyung! What a pleasant surprise? I'm sorry I didn't hear you if you called me" I retract my wrist from his grip and place the chunk of hair that slipped out from my pony.

He scoffs and rolls his eyes, "And how about ignoring my messages? You've got an excuse for that too?" my mind goes blank with no good excuse,

"I was busy Taehyung and you know that I had been to the workshop." I fiddle with bags of Areum's clothes and shoes not able to look at his almond eyes that don't shift its gaze away from me. He hums in response and look at him, internally screaming due to joy as he bought my lie.

"Let's get you punished, what'd you say?"

'Hah, you're asking me buddy? I'd rather say the hell not. As if, are you somebody who I've been known for ages that I can't ignore you?' I was yelling internally but kept my calm from the outside.

"Excuse me Mister, you've got no right do those just because I ignored a mere person whom I've got to know just for a week and you expect me to spend my important quality time answering your stupid pick up lines? I think the hell not." I turn around and start walking in the opposite direction.

"Hey I'm s-sorry. I was just messing with you." he catches up with me and I can already sense the guilt in his voice. I hum in response and keep walking towards where my step-siblings are at. "Can we go out if you're free?" he asks hesitantly and I look at him for once before looking away, "We're already outside Taehyung."

"Oh right." I chuckle when he ruffles his hair. "I'll text you on this weekend. You decide the place and I'll decide the time." I say and the look on his face is just so priceless. It is like, when I finally agree on buying Areum's favorite pastry after her sulking for hours.

"Great... I mean, let's do that." I nod, I see Areum slipping from Jungkook's hold and running towards me.

"Mommy" she shouts not caring about the cheerful looks she gains from the people around her. Her bright beam lightens when she sees the stranger beside me. She runs to me and latches to my legs, looking suspiciously at Taehyung.

"Who is this mommy?" she asks looking at Taehyung and then at me, I smile at her and crouch down to her level and smile at her. "He's my student baby." I poke her nose and she looks back at Taehyung.

"Hello oppa." She says, I smile and stand up as Jungkook joins us with some bags. "Hi pretty girl. What's your name?" Taehyung asks and Areum looks at me before answering, "Jeon Areum." I see as Taehyung frowns a little at first but either way he smiles at her with a nod.

"What are you both doing?" Jungkook asks. "We were cooking right now and are about to have lunch, are you interested in joining?" I reply sarcastically. A low growl leaves the muscle pig while Areum starts giggling.

"Well, this is Jungkook, my brother" I say to Taehyung as his mouth drops open. "Wait, so he's not your husband?" Areum giggles more while Jungkook smirks, "You think?" Jungkook says only to earn light slap on his arms.

"No, why would you think that?" I ask even though I knew he would have had these thoughts in his mind. I see as his eyes lights up with a sparkle in them and he shook his head.

"Let's go" Jungkook says taking Areum's tiny hands and leading her way out. "I'll text you Taehyung" I say and as I am about to turn around a grip on my hand stops me in my tracks, I turn around and the way in which Taehyung looks at me, I can see a lot of emotions flow in them, doubts and hesitation to be the major ones.

"So, Areum's not your daughter?" he asks and I can sense the fear in them. Fear about his assumptions to be true.

I smile at him and shake my head. "You're not married?" I shake my head yet again not enjoying the distress in the male's voice.

"So I still have a chance right?" and at that moment my heart shook rapidly, not able keep itself caged inside my ribs. I was afraid Taehyung could sense my rapid beatings as I could clearly hear them beating ever so loudly.

"I still have the chance to make you mine right?"


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