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Why in this rickety frickety world are all the hot boys giving some good ass blessing to my eyes today! First my very own boyfriend who is dressed in his super cool oversized shirt, revealing the slightest bit of his glistening chest with his tight slacks. And then it had to be my step brother who came in dressed in all black outfits with his long hair just adding to his glorious self. To add on was the very dashing handsome man, my doctor himself decided on entering in with all his glory. And last but not the least, my cute little pain in the ass mochi decided to show off his thick muscular thighs in those tight skinny jeans that are precisely stuck to every single inch on his lower body and what am I to say about those loosely hanging white t-shirt that are revealing his very well muscular arms.

I am starting to believe that I probably injured my head too. I mean why am I even thinking all these?

"Can you at least stop drooling over him in front of me, Baby" Taehyung whispers to me with a very sarcastic smile, exaggerating the word 'Baby' that made chills run down my spine.

I look up at him and take in a deep breath and even before I could start my fake disagreement, Jimin chimes in.

"Jia, my one and only girl friend" he happily skips past Taehyung and slowly grabs my hand to kiss the back of it, but I pull my hands back. His plum lips only brushes against the skin on the back of hand. The next thing I do is look at Taehyung with slowest of my head motion, just like the one where the Annabelle doll turns her head to look at the girl.

So dramatic- The voice in my head scoffs.

The sight that my eye gains; it scares the actual shit out of me as I see Taehyung giving Jimin a 'what the fuck' look with his hand balled into tight fists, to the point where his knuckles started turning white.

Jimin also followed my gaze and I swear I heard him take a gulp down his throat.

"Get. Away. From. MY. Girl." Taehyung's voice was low but the deepness in his voice had my jaw left hanging. On any other normal day I probably would have had my panties wet, for real.

"Wow boy, chill out there" Jimin gave out a nervous chuckle before looking back at me. "How are you feeling now Ji?" The mischievous glint in his eyes disappears this time into a softer expression. I smile at his concern, "Well, surely not great but I'm fine" Jimin nods with a smile, his eyes forming crescents as his cheeks puff up.

Such a cute little ass.

"How's the studio running? It must have been hectic for you guys these few days" I ask as I remembered the exhausted looks on May and Bong's face when they visited me in the morning. "You don't have to worry about that Ji. We are all doing fine and no, it's not hectic at all" he says and runs his soft and warm hand on my forehead. "Just get well soon and I'll start bugging you like always. I miss pissing you off" I slap his hand away but either way we both end up chuckling.

Taehyung moves towards the couch in the corner of the room and gets comfortable while having his eyes fixed on me. Just then a pale yet super handsome man knocks on the door.

"God, we have a lot of visitors today though I don't have a single idea about who this handsome dude is." I mumble just enough for Jimin to hear me. Jimin turns his head at the same time as Taehyung,



Both the boys say at the same time and my eyes widen in shock. Taehyung has a brother?

"Hey baby, should we leave already?" The pale man, who might be called as Yoongi according to Jimin, smirks at Jimin. "Hyung!?" he turns towards the direction of Taehyung; his smirk dies instantly and is replaced with the slightest of nervousness, "Taehyung? What are you doing here?"

"She" he points at me "is my girlfriend. But the question is, why are you calling him" he points at Jimin this time "as baby? Don't tell me you guys are together" Taehyung turns towards Jimin with a scowl. "And what if we are together?" Jimin smirks at Taehyung and walks towards the older man.

"You guys know each other?" My eyes witness something just so unbelievable. Jimin interlocked his arms with that of Yoongi's and leaned over him, brushing his chest on Yoongi's arms and to finish the act he had this cute little pout. I couldn't see the difference between a shy lovesick teenage girl and Jimin.

Jimin is surely taking it up his ass, if you know what I mean.

"Yeah, he's my colleague at the school" Yoongi says with his eyes on Jimin's plum lips before he sucks a short breath and looks back at Taehyung who has a dumbfounded look on his face.

"This is so unlikely of you hyung" Taehyung rolls his eyes at Yoongi and plops back down on the couch. Yoongi doesn't give a shit about Taehyung's words and the couple slowly walks towards me.

The light coral blue shade of his locks, hanging perfectly over his forehead, his pale yet clear skin and those beautiful eyes, he looks like a human feline. His face showed no emotions, just a poker face.

"Hey! You must be Jia." He gives me a slight smile and I return with a smile and a small 'yes'. "Um... I'm Min Yoongi, Jimin's boyfriend and Taehyung's colleague" the gummy smile that forms on his face when he mentioned Jimin as his boyfriend was just so priceless that a chuckle of amusement escapes from my side. "Nice to meet you oppa and I must say you both look very cute together" at those words Jimin sends a wink at me while Yoongi simply ruffles his hair with a shy smile. "Thanks I guess and it's nice to meet you too Jia. I hope you get well soon."

"I hope so too" I say and sigh while Yoongi just chuckles, "You're cute." Yoongi says, making all blood in my body to rush into my face. Jimin clears his throat but I don't speak a word.

"Well, I would have loved to stay but we need to be somewhere in a few." Jimin turns his head towards Yoongi at the speed of lightning, "But I wanted to stay with her for a while Yoongi" Jimin whines like a kid making me chuckle yet again.

"It's okay Chim. I'll be fine, Taehyung is here with me" I say. "I know but still" Jimin pouts and leans his head on Yoongi's shoulder, "No buts, I told you I'll be fine. Now please go, you guys are way too cheesy and its cringe" I lie and laugh as Yoongi and Jimin roll their eyes.


It's been hours since Areum, Jungkook, Jimin and Yoongi have left and hours since Taehyung has been pouting and sighing every other minute. He isn't even telling me why he's been so quiet.

Another sigh leaves his mouth and I look at him, "Tae what's wrong? That's like the umpteenth time you're sighing. Talk to me Tae" he sighs yet again and opens his mouth to say something but nothing comes out.

"You either speak right now or I'm not kissing you or letting you kiss me for the next two weeks." As soon as I finish my words Taehyung's head snaps in my direction and the little boy pout that was present on his pretty face just seconds ago vanishes in an instant.

"What did you just dare to say?" Taehyung voices out in disbelief. He suddenly gets off from the couch and starts walking close to me.

I take a gulp, "I won't let you kiss me, I-if you don't talk to me." I say as he simply walks closer to me.

"Well you didn't bother on giving me a single look when you were around all those guys. You couldn't even take your eyes off of Jin hyung and oh my god did you just forget the way you were drooling over Jimin."

"Baby come o-" I try to speak but he cuts me off, "Don't baby me now and wait until you're completely recovered. I swear I'm gonna ruin you in ways you didn't know was possible babygirl" he finishes with a proud smirk.
So my munchkins, get ready with your Hobi waters and Namjesus for the next chapters.

Did you guys check out 'Rivals'? If not please do n I'm sorry for the cheap promotions.

I hope you like this chapter and since you've come this far, can you click the follow button in my profile *pulls the best puppy face possible* Jk y'all, don't do that unless you want to

I love you all❤️

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