Marry Me Pt. 2

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"Shall we leave?" Jungkook calls out with purely adoration in his bambi eyes. Just as I'm about to place my hands on his since he's the one taking me to the altar, my stomach suddenly churns and I suddenly feel nauseous.
Throwing the bouquet of fresh flower on the nearby seat, I rush towards the restroom with a hand covering my mouth.
I hear Jungkook rushing to my side and the next moment I'm completely throwing up. Jungkook holds me firmly from behind, clearing my bangs from the front.
"We're going to be late Ji. I know Taehyung well, he would never push you away just because you got p-pregnant." Jungkook sighs for the hundredth time but him stuttering the word 'pregnant' made another rush of tears to flow down.
My phone goes off again with Taehyung's caller ID shinning brightly. My hormones were so out of place that, just seeing his picture made me cry more, at this point I was a sobbing mess.
"I don't know Kook. What if the child isn't there in his plan right now" saying that I look down at the pregnancy test that shows the positive sign.
"You can't-" Jungkook is suddenly cut off by the loud noise of the door being pushed open harshly and in comes a very panicked Taehyung.
"Baby why aren't y-" Taehyung's eyes go wide and he rushes infront of me.
"I'll leave you two to be" Jungkook says and leaves as a very concerned Nara waits patiently by the door.
"Baby why are you crying?" I hide the pregnancy test and clutch it tightly around the harshness of my palms even though knowing that he can clearly see the long plastic.
I cry harder when his eyes travel lower to my hands. His eyes are stuck at the same plastic; me being the person to not hide things from him, I open my palms to reveal the two blue lines that adorn the little white space.
Taehyung gasps and looks up at me, "Are you?...Are w-we? I-I... Oh god." Taehyung didn't say anything and simply places a hand over my stomach, "That's ours, isn't it?" And that was all it took for me to push myself over him and hug him close to me, "Y-you won't leave me, will Y-you?"

"God baby! Why would you ever think that" he holds me tighter in his warmth. "I thought the baby wouldn't be in your plan just yet" I hide my face into the crook of his neck as the years don't intend on stopping it's flow.
"Everything that has anything to do with you, with us, is definitely in my plan always and forever" he pulls me back and kisses my forehead with at most sincerity. "I forgot to tell you how gorgeous you look right now, my love" he says while wiping my tears off.
" I probably look like a potato with messy makeup. How dare you call me gorgeous" I say and grab a bunch of tissues to clean my runny nose.
Taehyung laughs, his mouth forming an adorable box shape like always, "You're so adorable baby, look at that red nose of yours" he laughs more before getting closer to kiss the top but I back away, " Calm down" a hiccup stops me but nevertheless I continue, "I'm still cleaning my nose"
He laughs more at that, as Jungkook gets back in, "Fix your makeup and we shall leave. We're already pretty much late"
I nod and peck Taehyung before giving the smudged makeup.
"This is the day that will forever be remembered in the hearts of these two individuals and together you will divide all of the life's sorrows, but you will multiply all of life's blessings. There's only one cure to love, that is to love more." The priest goes on as his voice plays in the background with me getting completely immersed in the beauty of Tae's deep brown eyes. Every single memory of us being together hits me.
"You may now take the vows"
I take in a deep breath before speaking my words into the mic,
"Dear Taehyung, thank you. Thank you for all the love you've shown in the time we've known each other, thank you for never giving up on me after all that we've gone through. I promise to take care of you and Tannie with all my love and to protect you with all my might. I promise to be there for you always and forever. I promise to never give up on you even if you don't do your dishes after you finish eating." The little amount of crowd laughs at that, Taehyung does too but the things running inside my brain only brings tears of happiness, "I promise to love you and cherish until my forever." Taehyung brings up my hands to place a gentle kiss after I finish my words, a few drops of his tears adorn my hands and quickly pat the tears off his face.

"Jeon Jia, taking Kim Taehyung by the hand, to be your lawful and wedded husband, requires you to promise love and to be true to him as long as you both shall live. Do you promise?"

I look into his eyes and without a single thought I nod, "I do"

"Jia, I love you. I love you with all of myself. Thank you for loving me for who I am. Thank you for always tolerating me. You showed me love, the way nobody else did, and I'm thankful that it was you who showed me what love actually was. I am here, to share all my love and life with you until my forever. I love you for the person that you were in the past, I love you for the women that you are right now standing beautiful as always and I will love you for the person that you're going to be. I'm gonna love our little one too" he places a hand on my belly and the crowd roars at that. "I promise my forever just for you and you only" Taehyung finished and all I can do is to smile at him, a smile that shows how grateful I am of this man.

"Kim Taehyung, taking Jeon Jia by the hand to be your lawful and wedded wife, requires you to promise love and to be true to her as long as you both shall live. Do you promise?"

"Without any doubt, I do"
Taehyung gets closer to already kiss him but priest stops him as the crowd laughs, "Not yet gentlemen"

"It's my privilege to now pronounce you husband and wife and yes you may now kiss your bride "

And just like that, we both seal our promises with a beautiful, loving kiss.

-------THE END-------

Hey munchkins!
We're done finally!!!! Sorry for any typos, my finals are close so I just quickly wrote this piece.
But wait, I remember promising a little something🤔
•A TaeKook chapter?
•A YoonMin chapter?
I wouldn't forget them ofcourse!
We'll still have a bonus chapter, two special chapter.
I love you all like alwaysss. Thank you for all the support! ❤️

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