Brave Hearts

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(Y/N)'s POV

Crapcrapcrapcrapcrap they're gonna kill me when they find out!

I thought of horrible but probably realistic scenarios of what might happen once i crawl my way out of this hole. Seeing the dim bathroom light, i emerged only to find the bathroom completely untouched from when i left it.

I stood up and looked around, a few seconds later i heard something; hissing. I looked back down at the hole and saw two of the snakes peeked their heads out of it. blood drained from my face as i realized a new problem. what will happen to them when dad finds out...?

not wanting to find out, i shood them away but all they did was look at me.

(Y/N) "*whisper-yelling* shoo! shoo! go back to your nest! if dad finds out about you, he'll-"

Mom "Has the little shit finally woke up? hey!" my words were cut off as my mom banged on the door, i closed my mouth and closed theirs as well.

Mom "Ugh.. hurry up and get out already! someone's gotta clean the house and it's definitelly not gonna be me!"

Dad "What are you yelling about you damn hag?! go make me breakfast already!"

Mom "Go make your own damn breakfast!" i heard her yell back at dad before storming off, i presume to continue their fight.

I let go of my mouth and the mouths of the two snakes as i heaved a sigh of relief from not getting caught. that being said, it makes me sad to see the sorry state my parents are in.

I slumped back down to a sitting position and looked at the two snakes in front of me.

(Y/N) "what?" i asked. both of them just looked at me and then each other, their eyes were sharp and tilted, they almost looked angry.

(Y/N) "what?" i asked again, this time with a higher pitch to emphasize.

without much warning, the two of them slithered out the door quickly. my heart sank as i realize the danger they are in.

No! what are they doing?!

i ran to the door and unlocked it, but before i left i hesitated. what if mom and dad catches me too?... it doesn't matter! they'll punish me anyway, and i need to get out of here sooner or later! i need to save those two before they get into trouble!

holding my breath and gathering what courage i have, i opened the door and ran out, i turned and went to the kitchen, looking around at where the two may be hiding, but then i heard mom scream. crap. looks like i found them.

Running to the direction of the scream, i saw mom standing on top of a chair while the two snakes were making circles under her. it looked funny and i would have laughed if not for the dangerous situation those snakes are in.

My fears reached its peak when Dad busted through the door with a gun. he aimed at the two snakes and they don't notice it!

My legs seemed to move on their own as i ran towards dad, i reached out my hand to grab the gun, but then....


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