Get The Ball!

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(Y/N)'s POV

All of us followed Netero into a room where the walls are covered by a bouncy surface. Netero stood infront of us with a ball. I have to admit, he really doesn't look threatening. An skinny old man, kinda feel bad that my moves often involve having Ryuu strike at other people as a snake.

Netero "alright. So the game is simple: all you have to do is take the ball from my hand. You can use any method you want, i will only defend i promise."

Gon "that's it? That's too easy! It's... barely a game."

I raised my hand up as everyone looked at me.

Netero "yes?"

(Y/N) "can we use magic or other abilities like that?"

Netero "hoho! How polite to raise your hand before asking. And yes, you may use any method you desire, as i said. Now, any more questions?"

Everyone was quiet for a moment.

Killua "any method? Alright. I'll go first."

Netero "go right ahead."

Killua began walking to the side. I immediately felt dark energy radiate off of him. What is he doing...?

Killua's step then created an echo and multiple Killuas begin to show up, encircling Netero.

Ryuu "the Rythm Echo. An assassination technique."

After a long moment of suspense, one of the Killuas which i assume us the real one charged at Netero. Surpisingly, the old man was able to dodge it fairly easily. Killua continued from one swipe after the other and all Netero did was evade. Eventually Killua went on the offensive and tried kicking at Netero's leg.

The loud noise that erupted upon impact and the fact that Netero is still standing indicates that-

Killua "OOOWW!! OW OW OW OW OW!"

-Netero is fine (-w-")

Killua "What's his leg made out of? Steel?!"

Gon "Killua! Tag me! Tag me! It's my turn!"

Killua limped his way over and high-fived Gon. Giving him the turn.

I gave a command and Ryuu immediately shaped himself into a half-circle of sorts.

(Y/N) "Killua. Sit there. On Ryuu."

Killua did as i told as i sat next to him and began cooling off his leg with magic.

Killua "huh. Ryuu is surprisingly comfy."

(Y/N) "i know right?"

Ryuu "i bet he'd be more comfortable on your thighs."

I blushed hard as i looked at the damned pervert.

(Y/N) "R-Ryuu!!"

Killua "what did he say?"

(Y/N) "N-nothing! It was nothing!"

Killua's naughty smile indicated that he probably had his own ideas. Damn these two perverts!

Our attentions were drawn by the sound of Gon hitting his head on a lamp and flopping back down to the ground holding his head in pain.

Killua "IDIOT! We aleady know how high you can jump! No need to show off!!"

Killua then crossed his arms and pouted.

Killua "he dropped his guard for a second there."

In Netero, (Y/N), Ryuu's mind "yeah. No kidding."

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