Old Student

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Malphas' POV

I held my phone to my ear as i waited for someone on the other end to pick up.


Malphas "yes, hello."

"My lady?"

Malphas "yes, it's me. Been a long time hasn't it?"

"Too long indeed. When will you come back to us, my lady?"

Maphas "now, now. I musn't over extend my influence on this world. I did my part and now you must do yours."

"Of course, but... why is it you called?"

Malphas "i want my castle back."

"Oh? Why so?"

Malphas "my reasons are my own. Do not forget where you stand..."

"Of course. Forgive me."

Malphas "now, about my castle?"

"I will have it readied for your return."

Malphas "good. See that it does."

"Goodbye for now, my lady."

Malphas "good bye... Chrollo."

I turned off my phone just as Minerva peeked through the corner of her wall.

Minerva "who was that hon?"

Malphas "just an old student of mine."

She walked to me bearing a tray of tea and biscuits and set it down in front of me. I know she's not gonna be happy to hear about this but i must tell her.

Malphas "Minerva? I have something to tell you?"

Minerva "hm? What is it? Oh don't tell me you're worried about your sons again, they will be fine!"

Malphas "no no. It's not that..."

Minerva looked at me worriedly as she sat down next to me on the sofa.

Minerva "is something wrong dear?"

Malphas "i have to go soon. Me and the kids."

Minerva "WHAT?! But- but why?! Is there something wrong here?! Tell me if there is, i'll fix it!"

I held her shoulders and settled her back down to the couch.

Malphas "this place is perfect and you've done a marvelous job. I can't thank you enough for taking care of us for the past week but... it's about my concerns on safety..."

Minerva "safety?"

Malphas "surely you've seen all those holy knights walking about. They're begining to suspect us."

Minerva "but.. but why are you worried? You can kill them before they can blink!"

Malphas "it's not me that i worry about. It's you, and the kids. When i said goodbye to Ryuu and (Y/N), i realized that i won't be able to keep an eye on them all the time. And that they won't always be with me... they are powerful demons in their own right, but if they... perish... i- i don't know what to do..."

Mimerva "then... wipe out the holy knights!"

Malphas "and more will come once they see the threat that we pose. Why do you think i've always stayed in hiding? Imagine flies constantly buzzing around your head. They're not a danger but they annoy you to no end and everytime you kill them, more will come. If i return to the castle, i can organize an army to bring down the holy knights without putting my kids at risk! Please understand Minerva..."

Minerva then looked to the side a bit and then back at me with a strained smile.

Minerva "okay... i do understand... a true mother's love is stronger than any power in this world..."

Tears began to stream down the side of her face as she hugged me tightly. It took me a second but then i slowly hugged her back.

Minerva "it was good having you back sister..."

Malphas "you too..."

Minerva "come visit me soon alright?"

Malphas "of course, i'll always be there for you even if my body isn't..."

She finally let go and stood up, saying that she was gonna prepare dinner since it's still gonna be a few days before i leave.

Oh Minerva... i don't see why dad ever hated you. If only he knew that kindness was it's own power...

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