Play Dead

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For whatever reason the 'Illumi' chapter is missing from this story. is it missing for everyone else too? if so then i'll just have to make the new version here i guess.

(Y/N)'s POV

Well things took a hard left quick. one of the applicants was actually Killua's older brother in disguise. Illumi's hand is inches away from touching Killua and i think this may be the first time i actually see him scared.

Killua looked down. Completely defeated he said;

Killua "Alright Illumi... i give up.... you win."

Illumi "ah good. i'm glad you could see reason. though it is a shame that you're still too weak and scared to fight me. oh well. maybe some day."

Killua walked back to my side. he looked deflated. as if ashamed of his defeat.

Illumi "hey."

Ryuu and i looked at Illumi who glared at us.

Illumi "Once this exam is over, i'll kill you. i have a few ideas on how to kill both of you at once."

He then walked away to the corner of the room. what a jerk!

Killua "im sorry (Y/N)... im sorry i couldn't protect you..."

i turned to Killua worriedly.

(Y/N) "it's fine Killua. There was nothing you could do anyway." i said as i tried to reassure him, unfortunately to no avail.

Killua "im too weak..." his voice cracked and shook. i could tell he was barely holding on to what little hope is left.

Ryuu wrapped himself around Killua and rested his head on his shoulder in an effort to calm him down.

I looked down for a second and focused my thoughts to come up with a plan. Illumi will try to kill Ryuu and i and although i know he won't be able to, i still don't want to confront him.  I can't pin point Illumi's exact capabilities but considering that Killua outright backed off from fear, it's safe to assume that Illumi is a fierce fighter. Ryuu and i won't have a chance if we face off against him but... maybe we won't have to...

this is a lose-lose situation for me as it is. if i take the exam all the way to the end, Illumi will try to kill me regardless if i win or lose. same goes if anyone else dies in the process. but... if Ryuu and I were the ones to 'die' then the exam will be over and Illumi will go away. letting Killua go and sparing Gon, Leorio, Kurapika and everyone else from anymore in-fighting.

of course then i'll be the one who gets disqualified and won't have a hunter's license, but i can always try again next year. Besides...

i looked at Killua who has calmed down a little.

i think some of us needs  the break more than others... alright! it's decided!

I gave Ryuu a telepathic message detailing the plan i came up with. he instantly looked at me with his eyes wide open.

Ryuu "you're serious?! You wanna ditch out? i mean... im not against it and i get why but..."

with a determined glare, i nodded at him. Ryuu thought for a bit but then nodded to me again.

Ryuu "alright... you're doing this for our friends, i get it... well then, guess we'll try again next year."

Ryuu got off of Killua and slithered his way beside me. I walked to Killua and grabbed him by the shoulders. it caught him off guard but Killua soon looked at me again.

(Y/N) "Killua. i have a plan to get us out of this situation but i need to know; do you trust me?"

Killua "wha? of course i do! and what do you mean a 'plan'?"

(Y/N) "Just trust me on this one. I won't know where i'll be located, but once my fight is over and you get your Hunter's license, find me."

Killua "huh? what are you talking about?"

(Y/N) "I can't explain it to you know. just find me after all of this is over okay?"

Killua "o...kay...?"

Killua looked skeptical but agreed.

Referee " Next one please. Hisoka and (Y/N)."

i gave Killua a confident smile before going to the center of the room with Ryuu on my side and faced off against Hisoka.

Hisoka "ooh looks like we're paired yet again~ perhaps we're destined for each other hmm~?"

I could only look at him. completely unnerved. seriously what is it with this guy and saying inappropriate things to kids?

Hisoka "oh how cruel fate can be sometimes! i had so hoped to face off against little Gon instead~ that determined glare of his always does get me... excited~"

Ryuu "okay, (Y/N). now im 100% on board with your idea. kill me."

no amount of therapy can ever make this right.

being fully creeped out i summoned the blade of Woe.

Hisoka "oh what's that? your little dagger~?"

Ryuu "ready when you are."

i looked at Ryuu and held the blade tightly. reeling my arm back until it's behind my head. Ryuu too coiled himself and ready to pounce with his fangs extended.

Killua "(Y/N)... what are you doing...?"

I looked back at Killua. his face was full of worry and fear. Im sorry i have to do this without telling you Killua, but i promise everything will work out. before doing what im about to do, i smiled warmly at him.

(Y/N) "It's alright Killua... everything will be alright..."

Killua "(Y/N)...?"

Ryuu launched himself at me and i swiped my blade.

in only a split second, our backs were facing each other and the deed is done. It took a few seconds but then i felt it, the stinging pain in my chest. i looked down and saw a hole where my heart would be and black blood seeping out of it and staining my clothes.

feeling myself getting weaker, i dropped to the floor on my knees before collapsing completely. I stopped my regeneration in order to convince the chairman and as i looked back, i saw Ryuu-s body split completely in half from the strike of my blade and Killua running towards me. The last thing i heard before falling into darkness was Killua shouting out my name...

It'll be fine, Killua...

just find me....

wherever i may be...

find me....

Thank you all for waiting. it's been hard to get into the spirit of writing due to recent events but im glad i got there in the end.

And no, the reader is not dead nor is this the end of the story. There will be plenty more chapters to come. the reader is simply 'playing dead' and passing out due to being too weak since he refused to let his body regenerate.

This marks the end of the Hunter's Exam Arc and from this point forward, Killua and (Y/N) will gradually get more lovey-dovey until the confession and much later on to their married life.

I hope you're enjoying the story so far, maybe check out my other stores as i put just as much thought into them as i do with this and i'll see you all in the next chapter. bye-bye!

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