In The Hands of Death

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(Y/N)'s POV

uuugghhh my head...
i opened my eyes slowly to see a void. blackness. i pulled myself up and balanced my body to a sitting position with two of my arms behind me. i looked around to see gray stone floors surrounded by a void of empty nothingness. what happened? how did i get here? where am i anyway? i have no idea where i am let alone what happened before i got here, all my memories are fuzzy.

"Awoke at last have you?"


i felt a freezing cold mist rub my back as i saw a shadow looming above me, looking up i was met with a faceless figure wearing a black hood. oddly enough i wasn't scared. i spun around to face the figure that was standing behind me. torn black cloak reached to the floor and spread around the figure, it's face was obscured by absolute darkness, but it's hands were nothing but bone. large dark feathered wings sprung out from the figure's back as it faced my direction. ironic as i can't see a face.

(???) "are you ready to come with me?"

(Y/N) "come with you? to where?"

(???) "Heaven, child."

(Y/N) "Heaven?"

(???) "The gunshot from the man you call 'father.' you blocked it, but yourself was hit. the bullet pierced your chest and entered your right lung. your body died soon after from the shock and impact."

(Y/N) "W... what? im dead?"

(???) "Yes child, your heart no longer beats, blood no longer pulse through you, and your nervous systems have all shut down. your soul separated and is now here in my home, where i am to take you to heaven should that be your wish."

I stopped to think, this is all too much to take in. im starting to remember now. Dad tried to shoot one of the snakes and i ran to save him. according to him which i assume is Death, im dead now.

Well... i guess it was only a matter of time before my wounds got an infection anyway. that probably would have killed me.

im not sure about this offer though, Heaven is of course told to be where good people go to but... the offer isn't what i want. all i want is a family, people to actually love me and care for me. like those family of snakes, i envy them really. to lead such simple lives but so close to each other... 

I guess there's nowhere else to go then, i looked back at Death and slowly walked to him. he reached out a skeletal hand to take mine, i felt the freezing cold mist grew more intense as i drew closer to touch him. when i held his left hand i felt it colder than any ice i ever felt. Death then waved his hand which revealed a door from the void and he guided me there. we walked slowly hand-in-hand, that is until..


The voice of a woman resonated from behind me. i looked back to see a large pillar of fire, from it emerged the large snake i understood was the mother of the brood as she soon turn into a tall, slender woman with gray skin and glowing purple eyes.

Soon, another large pillar of flame appeared again and out comes another snake which turned into what looked like a boy slightly older than me. his skin was dark green and his eyes glowed a bright (E/C).

Death "Malphas... i wasn't expecting you here."

Malphas "Death. i came for him."

She pointed at me and then focused her gaze back to Death.

Death "You know as well as i do that i can't just give him back, Malphas... his soul is no longer compatible with his body."

Malphas "I will prepare the body. as for the soul, i offer half of my eldest son's, Ryu."

Death then looked at the elder boy.

Death "Is the true, child of serpents?"

Ryu "Yes. I'll give half of my soul to him if you'd let him live."

Death "Hmm... it could work.. but the decision is his." Death then turned his faceless hood to the side to meet my gaze staring up at him.

Death "Child.. do you wish to return to the living world? though i must warn you... Heaven will close it's gates for you should you choose to accept their offer..."

(Y/N) "I..." I then looked at Malphas and Ryu both looking at me with encouragement in their eyes.

I took a few moments to close my eyes and think this through. after that , i looked back up at death.

(Y/N) "Death? i have one more question before i make my decision."

Death "Ask, child..."

(Y/N) "Will i be able to meet them if i go to Heaven?" I say as i pointed to Malphas and Ryu.

Death "Im afraid not, child.. they are demons. the angels don't want them there...but they do want you..."

(Y/N) "I see..."

I looked back at death and smiled warmly at him. the gesture seemed to have taken him by surprise as he seemed to recoil back slightly. as one of my hands was still holding on to Death's, i brought the other one above his skeletal hands and slid them off before holding his left hand with both of mine.

(Y/N) "thank you for your offer, but... it's not what i want."

I then looked at Malphas and Ryu who still watch heavy with anticipation, though i saw a glimmer of hope in Malphas' eyes.

(Y/N) "All i want is a family that would love me. like they do.."

Death slowly turned his head at them and then back to me. he lowered himself until he was closer to my height. 

Death "Are you sure, child...? You can't go to Heaven anymore once you have decided..."

(Y/N) "Yes Death.. im sure. after all i have been through, going to Hell and back is worth the price to be with them."

Death "Very well, child. i shall return you to the world of the by switching half of your soul with Ryu's and half of his to you."

I then felt death's grim on my hand tighten slightly.

Death "But if we ever meet again, im afraid i will have to take you to Hell..."

I looked at him with my smile still present.

(Y/N) "Then i'll see you again when that happens"

Death "Farewell, child..."

(Y/N) "Goodbye, Death..."

Death then turned into a plume of black smoke and disappeared. i looked back at Malphas and Ryu and ran to them with my arms wide open.

They both embraced me in a warm hug and before i knew it, purple flames began to surround us.

Malphas "Thank you (Y/N)... thank you for giving us a chance..."

(Y/N) "Of course mom... let's go home."

Malphas looked shocked but them turned her expression into a warm smile.

(Y/N) "Yes... let's go home..."

The purple flames engulfed us but all i felt was the same feeling i did when i first met Malphas and the other serpents. warm....

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