Tests And Trials

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Killua's POV

A few minutes into our walk while following the crow, someone called to us. a very familiar and infuriating voice.

Pina "Gon! Killua! Wait."

Gon and I turned around to see Pina running towards us. I couldn't help myself anymore. before he got too close, i bolted towards him and punched him in the chest. The impact sent him flying backwards and rolling on the ground.

Gon "*gasp* Killua!"

Gon ran past me and helped Pina stand back up. Royally pissed by this point, i said sternly;

Killua "You're either with him or with me, Gon! If you're not gonna help me find (Y/N) then go on your own way!"

Gon "Killua..."

Pina "ugh... damnit... I wasn't trying to get in your way. I want to find (Y/N) too."

Killua "yeah right. Find him because you want to kill him."

Pina "true... i can't deny that i am honour-bound to kill him. But i swear on my oath that until we find him and you say what you want to say, i won't harm him. Just let me come with you. I want to ask him a question..."

I stayed quiet and considered his request.

Killua "fine. Join if you have to, but if you ever try hurt (Y/N) again... I'll kill you... Both of you."

Pina nodded while Gon just looked at me with clear sadness.

Gon helped Pina make his way to me as i walked ahead of them and followed the crow to wherever (Y/N) is.


The crow lead us into a snow covered mountain way different from the one im used to. Even though my family's mansion is also in the mountains, ours is surrounded by thick forests meanwhile here it's... different. Rocky terrain with cold biting mist while snow and ice carpet every corner of the area. Occasionally, we'd spot dead trees and man-made structures like stone ruin but so far there's nothing catching my eye. There is however, something catching my senses. I can't see anything but we're not alone here. Something is moving just beyond our vision and it's following us.

then i heard it. a twig snapped.

i stopped in my tracks and the other two stopped right behind me. I began looking around for whatever is stalking us.

Pina "what's going on? why have we stopped?"

Gon "a twig snapped. over there."

Gon pointed at the source of the sound and we all looked there.

Pina "I didn't hear anything."


there it is again. I looked at the other direction.

Gon "now it's over there."

Pina "what? what are you guys talking about? i don't hear anything."


It's getting closer...

I extended my nails and took a defensive stance.

Killua "you two! get ready!"

Gon prepared to fight and Pina drew his crossbow even though he still has no idea what sound we're talking about.

more wood snaps and the sounds are getting louder and louder. until one snapped just two meters away from me. i looked at it's direction and saw a demonic lizard-like creature that pounced at me.

Before it landed a hit, i swung my hand around and cut off one of it's arms with my nails. The creature fell between the three of us and split us up. Just as that was happening, two more of them came out of hiding and went for Gon and Pina.

Gon managed to see it and punch it in the gut while Pina held his lizard off with his crossbow. I focused back on mine and realized it had opened it's mouth and faced it at me. i moved out of the way as flames erupted from the creature's maw. While it had it's head at the other direction, i got on top of it and chopped it's head off with my nails.

It's over... or at least that's what i thought. From behind the rocks, i saw three more coming our way...

My claws extended once more as i readied myself to fight.

*From within the castle*

*Malphas' POV*

I looked through the eyes of the Stalkers i summoned to test the three intruders. All three of whom i've been keeping a very close eye on even before (Y/N) and Ryuu encountered them at the beginning of the Hunter's Exam.

A child of Darkness from a family of killers, A child of Light who walks a thin line to search for his purpose, A Holy Knight who's in denial with himself, A Serpent who only wishes for acceptance, and my dearest (Y/N) who's decisions will decide all of their fates...

The stars have foretold their destinies long before the world was even formed... all except for one...


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