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(Y/N)'s POV

(Y/N) "U-umm I'm sorry?"

Killua "C-can I... sleep here?... w-with you?"

I can't help but feel odd tingles sparking everywhere in my body and my face getting hot which again - shouldn't happen given that I'm physically cold blooded!

(Y/N) "Did- something h-happen with Gon?"

He looked away, his blush seemingly grew into a deeper shade of red. His expression bordered between uncertainty and what looks to be fear...

Then again, I don't have much room to judge as I'm sure my own expression doesn't convey a very confident sight.

Killua "N-no... I just... wanted to be here... w-with you."

Every word he said made the feelings I have sparking in my body more intense. It's almost as if I was changing. But thinking back, I've felt this before, not as intense as this but I've experienced it many times... at the river, when I woke up and saw that I was sleeping on Killua, and when we watched the movies, I felt warm and safe when we got closer, and even small moments like when we hunted together, ate together, slept together... I can't help but wonder if this is what Ryuu was talking about back at the castle and in the sewers. Do I really have a crush on Killua...?

(Y/N) "U-umm... s-sure."

Unable to bring myself to say much else, I scooched over a bit and allowed Killua to take a seat on my bed.

He sat down but still avoided eye contact with me. A few minutes past where the air hung still and heavy. Sensing that I was beginning to suffocate from the crushing atmosphere, I decided to try bringing up a topic.

(Y/N) "U-umm... so... how is the adventure going so far?"

Finally, Killua seemed to have eased up if ever so slightly.

Killua "Not much has happened, but it's better than sitting around doing nothing."

(Y/N) "Eheh... I'll try to find some more interesting places..."

Once again, silence reigned for a while.

(Y/N) "Um, where do-"

Killua "(Y/N)."

I tensed up as he said my name sternly.

(Y/N) "Y-yes?"

Killua "What am I to you?"

(Y/N) "H-huh?"

Killua "What do you see me as?"

(Y/N) "I... I..."

Should I tell him...?


(Y/N) "I like you, Killua."

.For the first time since entering this room, Killua turned to face me. To my surprise, he had a big warm smile.

Killua "I'm glad. I feel the same way about you."

I don't know what to say. For once, my mind went completely blank. The only thing I know is that now I feel... warm.

*The next day*

A streak of light shone through the window and onto my eyelids. Despite my body wanting to remain in bed, the sheer brightness forced me to open my eyes and move around. Oddly, I wasn't able to move anywhere as something seems to be holding onto me. Moving my head bac into shade and blinking a few times, I found myself being cuddled by Killua and our face only an inch apart. That was when I remembered last night...

After our confessions, the density of the air dropped and things seemingly went back to normal, only with one major difference;

I have a boyfriend now...

I'm not sure what to make of this yet, and neither of us has any sort of experience in a relationship which is why we agreed to take it one step at a time. Speaking of one step at a time, how am I supposed to get out of here?

Maybe I should just poke him-



Before I even knew what was going on, I felt myself being pinned down onto the bed. Opening my eyes, I saw Killua staring intensely down at me while holding both my wrist on wither side of my head. I wasn't able to say anything in the panicked state I was in, but it looks like he snapped out of it.

Light seemingly returned to his eyes and he looked at me in surprise (Why is he the one shocked?!)

Once again, before I fully figured everything out, the door bursts open.

Ryuu "Good morning- whoa!"

Although I'm not entirely sure what exactly is going on, but I can't help but feel like we're in a situation that we shouldn't be in.

Ryuu "Wow. Right after the confession huh?"

Killua "I-it's not what you think-"

Ryuu "No, no, I get it. He's a cute guy. Welp I'm gonna go look for breakfast, you two catch up when you're done, no rush!"

(Y/N) "Ryuu wai-"

And there goes the door.

Awkward silence came between us once more yet in the corners of my mind, I can feel Ryuu sniggering at himself, laughing at my little predicament. Learning from experience, I shudder to look at what else he might be thinking deeper in the bowels of his mind. Embarrassed as we may be, we have to catch up to him and Gon. That being said, it may take a while to regain our composure...


After getting back on our feet, we caught up to Gon and Ryuu who were already eating pasta on an umbrella-covered table near the docks. We joined them and tried to talk about anything other than the scene this morning. Eventually mine and Killua's food arrived and after we finished eating, we head to the next destination of our travels; A large waterfall which sits on the eastern end of the island. I heard it's quite the beautiful sight, and considering the fact that our last trip ended up with us in the sewers dealing with smiling-slenderman-corpses, we collectively agreed that having something nice to look at is a preferred change of pace.

Yaay they finally got together! Sorry this took so long but I've just recently moved to a new house to start college so it's been hard catching up on certain things. That being said, I hope you're enjoying the story so far, don't forget to vote, that way I'll know you're enjoying it, and I'll see you all in the next one! Bye-bye!

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