Killua's Background

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(Y/N)'s POV

Well this is intersting. The next phase of the exam requires us to jump down a chasm, grab some eggs, and jump back out.

Menchi demonstrated by jumping down herself and then holding onto the web. After a few seconds, she let go, grabbing an egg on her way down and then flying back up from the wind blowing out the chasm.

Killua "whoa! That looks so fun!"

(Y/N) "i know right?"

Gon "i wanna try!"

Menchi dropped behind us victoriously with an egg in her hand.

Without a second thought, many of the applicant started to jump off as Menchi tries to get their attention again, i wanted to wait but then Killua grabbed the head-cover of my hoodie and began pulling me over to join him.

Well im immortal anyway so let's gooo!

We all jumped down and held onto the web. A few applicants already dropped to their doom.

Leorio "well what are we waiting for?"

Kurapika "the wind. It doesn't happen all the time."

And he was right. The applicants that dropped simply screamed as they fell to their deaths.

Killua turned to Gon who seemed to be sniffing the air? I think?


The webs begin to snap and some of the others let go in painc.


More snapping. The web we're holding onto is now only suspended by a single thread. Come on Gon, any day now!

Gon "NOW!!"

Aand drop! We all let go and grabbed an egg on the way down. A powerful gust of wind sending us back up afterwards.


After eating the eggs, we entered the blimp as the Jelly Bean thing gives us the general schedule. We have until tomorrow at 8 to begin the second phase of the exam. Great!

Killua "hey (Y/N), Gon, Ryuu! Lets explore the airship!"

(Y/N) "you read my mind!"

Gon "sure!"

Ryuu "SsSssSs (sounds fun)"

Killua "what did he say?"

(Y/N) "hm? O-oh! He says it sounds fun."

Killua "alright, let's go!"

As we ran out the room, i heard Leorio talking

Leorio "how can those 4 have so much energy... im hitting the sack..."

Kurapika "you can say that again."

We ran around the hallway and into different rooms just to see what's in them. Many are empty with only some mattresses on the floor which are probably for us to sleep in but we did find some interesting places. A gym of sorts, a big dining room, surprisingly clean toilets. amidst the wandering, Gon popped up to me with a question.

Gon "hey (Y/N)."

(Y/N) "hm?"

Gon "how are you able to talk to Ryuu anyway? All i hear are hisses."

Killua "yeah, same here. Though it is weird that you two have the same glowing eye colour."

(Y/N) "a-ah. Noticed that, did you? Well i truth, i can talk to all snakes, or even any other animal for that matter. but Ryuu and i have a special connection. I can even send commands to him telepathically so i don't need to talk at all. He can react to those commands almost as quickly as i send it to him so our moves are often in sync."

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