Settling In

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(Y/N)'s POV

With Gon chasing after Pina, I turned my attention at Killua. I didn't say anything but he clearly realized I was expecting him to say something.

Killua "what?"

(Y/N) "Well... I was just wondering... what now?"

Ryuu caught on to my question first.

Ryuu "Oh right! You can't search for your dad yet, can you?"

I shook my head.

All things considered, my plan worked (the 'getting out of there without being hunted by Illumi' part that is). But in order to find my dad, I need that Hunter's license so I'll obviously have to take the test again next year, but that's a whole 12 months where I can't start my primary mission. So with that on hold, we'll have to find some other way to pass the time.

Killua "Hmm... I don't know... once Gon comes back, we'll probably think of something."

(Y/N) "Say that again."

Killua "What?"

(Y/N) "'Gon' and 'think' shouldn't be any closer than 20 words apart."

Ryuu held in a laugh whilst Killua snickered to himself as he finally got what I meant. He turned to me with a somewhat sympathetic smile.

Killua "Are you still angry at what he did back at the exam?"

(Y/N) "I'm holding a little grudge but I won't say it's something worth getting angry over. Not now, at least."

A small pause came between us. A pause broken by the arrival of a new voice into the conversation.

Malphas "If I could suggest..."

We turned to face mom who gave us a friendly smile as she drew out her sentence, looking like she has an idea.

Malphas "Killua, why don't you stay here? While we wait for the opportunity for (Y/N) to retake his exam, you could have other adventures, or train your abilities. The castle is linked to all of my children so (Y/N) shouldn't find any difficulties teleporting himself and others back here once your adventures are complete. Of course, I'll also extend this courtesy to Gon."

Killua thought about it, humming quietly before nonchalantly agreeing to mom's offer. I couldn't help but smile as I felt joy bubbling within me at the thought of having to spend my days with my new family and friends. Unable to contain myself, I ran to mom and hugged her. She laughed before wrapping her arms around me too.

(Y/N) "Thanks for letting them stay, mom."

Malphas "You're welcome, sweetheart."

Once we parted, mom left the room and we were left to our own devices. Seeing as all that's happened has been quite the emotional roller coaster, we decided to take a little break. With some directions from Ryuu, I back-tracked and we eventually found our way back to the bedroom I woke up in which I assume to be my own.

Ryuu flopped on to the bed face-first meanwhile Killua set himself on a nearby couch. Weighing my options, I deduced that Killua would probably offer more in the way of talk (considering that the other one is nose-deep in the sheets.) I made my way to the set of couches and chairs where Killua has settled himself at and sat across from him. After a moment of getting comfortable, We began to chat. It was mostly just small-talk. Re-telling some stories or opinions on recent events, but one question that perked my ears was something that even I have been trying to figure out it's extents.

Killua "Hey (Y/N). How do you and Ryuu work exactly? I mean like... the whole 'being in sync' thing."

(Y/N) "Well... it's something like a collective consciousness? Any thoughts that come to mind can be viewed by the other the moment it comes up, but we can also choose not to view it if it's say... a private matter. Think of it like messaging someone! Every thought you have will show up in the chat room, but it's not a guarantee that the other is gonna read it at exact that moment."

Killua "So... you don't always know what Ryuu is thinking?"

(Y/N) "Technically, I could know. But we've made an agreement to leave each other some room for privacy. In practice, we usually only open that 'chat room' - for lack of a better term, during combat."

Killua "Cool! You can make all sorts of combos in a fight."

A bead of sweat rolled down the side of my head as I thought about some of the disadvantages of having a shared room of thoughts that the other can open at any time. Since I'd rather not embarrass myself with the details, I'll just put it like this - Don't try to find out what Ryuu is thinking of when he's locked the bedroom. I still see it in my nightmares...

(Y/N) "I-it's a blessing and a curse."

We continued to talk for a few more minutes until Gon eventually found his way into the room.

Killua "ah. There you are."

Gon walked past Ryuu who - by this point, is snoring into a pillow and sat next to me.

Killua "Where's Pina?"

Gon "He decided to go back to his headquarters. He's going to train more and become the best holy knight ever."

Gon's eyes glimmered with hope. In all honesty, I'm not sure how I'm supposed to make of little dynamic between Pina, Gon, and the rest of us. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, but.. what is the enemy of most of us, but a friend to one my friends? 

Killua "Ugh. I don't know what you see in him that makes you think he's our friend."

(Y/N) "I stand by Killua on this one."

Gon "I know that he attacked first, but you were never in any real danger anyway, (Y/N)."

(Y/N) "A mosquito's bite doesn't kill me, but I smash them all the same."

Killua "Yeah. After all, he did say he's gonna come back to try killing (Y/N) again."

Gon sighed in slight disappointment.

Gon "Pina is my friend... and you guys are too. I know that you guys didn't get to know him on the best of terms - especially you, (Y/N). But I don't think he's a bad guy! You guys are all my friends, and I'm not gonna let you hurt each other."

Heh... not a single bit of logical thinking exists in this kid.

Killua sighed in defeat and slouched down, knowing that arguing with Gon over a matter like this is a fool's errand. I couldn't help but laugh a bit at the thought that Killua and I couldn't beat someone like Gon in a discussion. Knowing full well that there will be no end to this if I press-on with my case, I conceded and went back to resting my entire weight on the couch.

With our little matter being as close to settled as it gets, we began to talk about what we should do next. A lot of ideas came into the midst of our talk; from going to yet another adventure, to intensive training, visiting Whale Island, even going to school (A suggestion that was very quickly shot down). In the end, we decided that - for now, we'll take a break, and maybe a tomorrow, we'll explore the area's surrounding the castle before setting off on other smaller adventures.

Needless to say, it would seem my life is taking yet another interesting turn...

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