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(Y/N)'s POV

Killua and I left the room and was greeted to the sight of a certain holy knight who waited for us in the hallway. As our sights locked on to each other, the scenery became tense with an uncomfortable silence that hung in the air.

None of us said anything for about 20 seconds. Just watching, waiting for someone to pull out a blade and initiate the fight once again. I don't know what was going on in his mind while we stood around in silence, but I can tell Pina's motives have changed since last I met him on the exam. Finally, Pina opened conversation.

Pina "(Y/N). What you showed me back at the exam. Was it true? Is my mother really being tortured in the Underworld?"

(Y/N) "...yes."

Pina closed his eyes and breathed out a deep, sorrowful sigh. He stayed like that for a while as Killua only grew ever more on-guard with each second of silence that ticks by. To our surprise, Pina did nothing and left us shortly after.

Killua "What was that all about?"

(Y/N) "I-I... don't know. Maybe he was just confirming?"

Killua stood silent for a few seconds.

Killua "Ah well. Whatever. Let's go find the others."

Ah... I'm glad that even when faced with the possibility that Pina is gonna swan-dive off one of the towers of this castle, he's as nonchalant as ever. Never change, Killua. Never change.

(Y/N) "O-okay. I sense Ryuu over there."

And with that, we continued on our interrupted journey. Eventually entering one of the many lounge rooms in the castle where we caught up with everyone else. As we got closer, we saw mom briefly introducing Gon to the twins before our arrival took her attention.

Malphas "Ah there you are. Wait, wasn't there another one of you?"

Gon "Huh? Oh yeah. Where's Pina?"

(Y/N) "Wandered off somewhere?"

Gon shot a judging glare at Killua, as if accusing him of being the reason Pina ran off. I mean, in fairness, Killua did say something mean but that wasn't until after I told Pina that his mom is suffering in Hell. Hm... In retrospect, I probably shouldn't have done that.

Killua responded to Gon's piercing glare by going on the defensive.

Killua "What?"

Gon "Killua..."

Killua "I didn't do anything alright? He went off on his own."

Gon persisted on his gaze. Although he kept his cool on the outside, I can tell Killua's defenses are starting to break slightly.

Gon moved closer, and closer, and closer. The speculative glare burning through Killua grew more intense with each step he took. Eventually, Killua looked at me and with a hushed tone, he said;

Killua "Pipe in anytime now..."

(Y/N) "No thanks. I'm enjoying this way too much."

Killua "What?! After all I went through to find you?!"

I couldn't help but giggle at Killua's emotional misery. Unfortunately, after receiving a telepathic message from Ryuu telling me to show Killua mercy, I decided to spare him... for now.

(Y/N) "Pina asked us if the visions I showed him during the final phase of the exam were true. I said that it was and he left without another word."

Gon finally stopped his advance and turned to me with a much more normal look on his face. Gon being Gon, he immediately ran off - presumably towards Pina. Killua tried to go after him but Ryuu stopped him in his tracks. It would be for the best anyway. Aside from Gon, I doubt any of our presence would help with the situation. As we stood by and watched Gon's silhouette disappear from view at a corner, I took the time to form my thoughts on the matter.

Unnatural~ (Killua x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now