Finally Out

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(Y/N)'s POV

50 hours is done and we speed-run our way to a particular room. Either choose O and let three people go through, or X and all of us go through. Here's the catch though - there isn't enough time for us to finish the course with 5 people. To add insult to injury, one of the chains hanged low with only one shackle to it, giving us the option to chain Ryuu...

The room went quiet as tension began to build up. Killua stood next to me and looked at me.

Killua "if it were up to me, i'd have you, Ryuu, Gon, and myself go through."

Leorio "i don't know what everyone else thinks, but im going through.

(Y/N) "shouldn't you be responsible for your actions? You were the one who got us into this mess in the first place..."

Leorio "what about that snake of yours?! He's just an animal! Shouldn't he be chained to spare one of us?!"

My eyes glow bright as i felt anger rush through me. Ryuu hissed threateningly at Leorio.

(Y/N) "he's an animal? Well you're a joke..."

Leorio took a few steps back and began holding on to one of the spears on the wall. Ryuu got ready to strike just as Killua extended his claws to defend me.

Gon "come on guys! Don't fight! There's another way we can do this!"

Leorio "sorry kid... but this is what it takes to be a hunter..."

Looks like Gon's finally getting in the program as he also grabbed an axe.

Killua "let's kill him already so we can move on."

(Y/N) "Agreed."

Ryuu coiled as Leorio charged at him. Ryu dodged when the blade landed as Killua and I was about to kill him, then suddenly...

Gon "ARGH!"

Gon struck his axe at the wall and created an in-dent. The sudden noise and flying of rubble seemed to have took all our attentions. Kurapika then began hitting the wall as well, creating a deeper dent.

They kept hitting the wall over and over again. It may seem weird but i get what he was doing...

I gave Ryuu a telepathic command to strike at the wall. Although Ryuu just looks like a snake, he's much stronger than any normal human so each strike he did at the wall chipped it off a significant distance. I then grabbed a warhammer and began joining in.

Killua "what the hell, (Y/N)? What are you doing?"

(Y/N) "breaking this wall!"

One last hit from my hammer and the wall crumbled to reveal a path into a slide that should lead us to the exit.

Gon looked at us with a big grin as he slid down the slide soon followed by Kurapika.

Killua walked to my side and looked at me dumbfoundedly. I giggled and grabbed his hand as him and I (along with Ryuu) slid down the long slide and out to a large room with about half of the previous applicants in it.

One of which that i saw was Pina. Applicant 98, you know the butthole who claims to be a holy knight? Yeah him.

I then heard the sound of the slide again and assumed it to be Leorio so i did the very nice thing and placed a small stack of bricks right at the area where his crotch would be when he drops.

Killua "what are you doing?"

(Y/N) "you'll see." I said with a small smile.

Leorio's voice began to grow louder and louder until...



Leorio's voice reached 7 octaves up as his crotch landed exactly where i thought it would be. Flattened by bricks. That very audible crack is probably a sign of that.

I heard snickers and giggles coming from all around us as many of the applicants try to hold in their laughter from my little prank.

Killua on the other hand didn't try to hold it in and just laughed out loud while keeping a hand on my shoulder as if congratulating me.

(Y/N) "that was for mocking Ryuu." I said clearly as i walked away. Ryuu brought his tail up to me as if giving a high-five but i guess it would be more of a high-one in this case. Or maybe a half-high-five? A high two-point-five?

Hm... something to think about later. For now, i can't help but feel like im being... watched...

It was then that my eyes met up with that clown magician guy. Number 44. I try to ignore his glares but i can't especially not with that face he's making...

Just walk away (Y/N)... just walk away...

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