A Fiery Argument

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*(Y/N)'s POV*

Gon "He knows my dad...."


(Y/N) "That still doesn't change everything he did to me..."

Gon's figure continued to shake with fear. 

Gon "I-I know... I know you want revenge, b-but... If we could keep him alive... just for a little longer..."

(Y/N) "..."

Gon "Please, (Y/N)... H-he's the only lead I have..."

My sight shifted between the green-haired boy using his own life to protect the man I hate the most, and the holy knight who's antics have tested my patience more times than I would care to admit. The grip I held over my blade tightens and began to feel my own body shake with rage.

Gold "Ha ha ha... Well, what a predicament we have here..."

Ryuu "Shut it! You're in no position to talk!"

Gold "Oh but I am... you see, he's not going to attack me. (Y/N) wants answers as to why I did all those horrible things to him. And in order to get that, he needs me alive. Right, (Y/N)?"

Killua "Shut up!"

My silence draws even further.

Gold "I hold all the cards, as I always do. You're completely useless without me. You need me to figure out what you truly are, and that's why you're hesitating now. You need me, you need me and you hate yourself for it."

Killua "Shut the hell up!"

Gold "So many things don't make sense, but I'll give you a small answer to the puzzle you're trying so desperately to piece together... I'll tell you what you truly are... but I think you already know the answer to it... don't you?"




Gold "That's all you are, and all you will ever be..."

*Killua's POV*

I looked back at (Y/N). He had stopped shaking, but his head is now aimed at the ground. Worried for him, I called out, but he doesn't seem to be responding.

(Y/N) "No..."

His voice echoed through the flames, and the observatory trembled.

(Y/N) "You know nothing about me..."

With each word, the flames around us raised farther and farther into the ceiling, almost covering the entire observatory in a mad, blazing dance.

(Y/N) "I'm not weak. I'm far more powerful than any of you."

The air became suffocatingly thin. I coughed and choked to try breathing but it was no use. All that went into my lungs were smoke, and the hot wind that burns my throat. It wasn't long until I heard the sound of metal clanking on the floor as Pina collapsed, Gon soon to follow.

I fell my gaze upon Ryuu who covered his eyes from the sharp glow of the flames. He too held a look of fear and uncertainty.

My hand reached out towards (Y/N), hoping that I could get his attention and get him to stop before I pass out as well.

(Y/N) "You are right on one thing though."

My legs gave out, and I collapsed onto the scorching stone floor.

(Y/N) "I won't kill you now. There are many fates worse than death..."

"And I want you to experience all of them..."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2023 ⏰

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