Rickety Bridge

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Killua's POV

It took us a few minutes but eventually we killed the last lizard thing. Gon helped Pina back up on his feet and we continued going through the frosted stone path until eventually we found a gigantic stone castle sat on a stone pedestal in the middle of a large ravine, at the bottom of which was water and something BIG moving in it...

Between the castle and us stands a gatehouse and a long rope bridge, essentially bottle-necking anyone who wants to enter down it's path.

*If that was a little hard to imagine, then let me give you a simplified drawing*

(yes, i know it looks like someone in 4th grade drew this but just roll with it for now, it's been a long day and i don't have enough energy to draw it accurately

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(yes, i know it looks like someone in 4th grade drew this but just roll with it for now, it's been a long day and i don't have enough energy to draw it accurately. Maybe someday i'll make a Minecraft replica.)

Gon "sooo are we going?"

Killua "we should go one-by-one."

Gon looked questioningly at me.

Gon "huh?"

Killua "We don't know how strong that bridge is, besides, if it snaps that means at least one of us are still on land to help."

Pina "I agree with Killua. *muttering* as much as i hate to say it."

Killua "what was that asshole?" i said as i extended my claws.

Gon "Guys! come on! okay then, i'll go first."

We drew our attention back to Gon who slowly made his way on the bridge and walked to the end of it one step at a time. A few minutes later, he made it to the gatehouse and held the ropes on his end so it won't snap. Pina went next and the bridge started snapping slightly. Probably due to the metal armour he was wearing- Or what's left it since (Y/N) turned some parts to stone.

Finally he was with Gon and it was my turn. I got on the bridge and walked nonchalantly with both my hands behind my neck. I was trained to be light on my feet ever since i was little. I can balance myself on wire so something like a wooden bridge is nothing.

Half way there and Pina started looking around in the air. Gon looked at him before he started looking around too. Still making my way to them, i shouted;

Killua "what are you guys looking at?!"

But then i heard it. an animalistic screech. Like a bat's but more... monstrous.

Pina "Over there! Gargoyles!"

The giant bat statues on the castle came to life and took to the skies. Pina pulled out his crossbow and started shooting them. One of the gargoyles swooped down but Pina rolled to the side just as it's claws were about to cut his head off. He then shot his crossbow and the bolt hit the gargoyle's back.

Gon "Killua! hurry!"

Pina "Gon! we should move to the castle! there's still one more bridge!"

Gon "You go first! I need to wait for Killua!"

Pina shot another bolt at a gargoyle before running through the second bridge.

seeing that more of them are coming to life, i picked up my pace and began running myself. After dodging a claw that almost took my head off, i made it to Gon and we looked to the second bridge.

Pina was already half-way but he got pinned down by one of the gargoyle's and is struggling to get the beast off him.

Gon "Hang on! im coming!"

Killua "Gon, wait!"

i didn't have enough time to grab onto the idiot who's now running to the middle of the bridge to save Pina. as his steps shook the thin ropes, i saw the cords beginning to snap and grabbed on to the ends of the ropes to prevent it from completely falling apart.

Unfortunately, my efforts were quickly undone as one of the gargoyles charged head-first into the bridge and completely breaking it in two.

Killua "GON!"

Gon "whoaa!"

Gon held the swinging bridge that slammed onto the side of the cliff holding the large castle. The gargoyles were about to swarm them but right before they did, we heard a loud roar coming from inside the castle itself. The gargoyles stopped in their tracks before flying away to the direction of the roar.

Relieved that they're finally gone, i slid my back down the gatehouse and took a second to catch my breath.

a few minutes later, i looked back up to see Gon and Pina already at the front doors of the castle. Unfortunately, i myself have no way of getting to them.

Gon "Killua! Are you okay?! We're gonna figure out how to help you!" the idiot shouted from the other side of the canyon.

Killua "Baaka! Just go in the castle! I'll catch up!"

Gon looked at Pina for a bit who nodded and then turning to shout towards me again.

Gon "Okay! we'll find (Y/N) and ask him to help you!"

tch. Idiot...

Gon opened the large wooden doors and then the two of them stepped in, leaving me outside alone.

I leaned myself on the wall just to process things a bit and try to come up with a plan on how i can get into the castle. damn it! if only (Y/N) was here... then again, if he were here i probably wouldn't need to go on this wild goose chase anyway...

Watcher "Caw! caw! The Blade of Woe! Give me The Blade of Woe!"

Huh? that damned crow again.

It landed next to me and squawked loudly.

Killua "Where the hell have you been? and why should i give the blade to you?!"

Watcher "Caw! To tell (Y/N) that you're here! Caw!"

I thought about what the crow said for a bit. Seeing no other option, i agreed. I pulled the Blade of Woe out of the make-shift sheath that i made and slowly hand it to the crow, but before he left, i grabbed him and squished him in my hands.

Killua "If you lie to me and i don't meet (Y/N) by the end of this... I'll find you, rip your guts out and strangle you with your own intestines... Got it?!"

Watcher "caw! g-g-got it! Caw!"

I finally let the little bastard go and it flew off somewhere into the castle. *sigh* well.. nothing else to do but wait... (Y/N)... I can't wait to see you again after all of this...

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