Broken Knight

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A little warning here; someone in this chapter is going to consider committing Sepuku. Read at your own discretion.

(Y/N)'s POV

I grabbed the still-frightened Pina by the neck and lifted him up. smiling as i gaze at him menacingly.

(Y/N) "I can't kill you now... but once this exam is over, I'll show you true terror..."

Ryuu slithered on my arm and wrapped his head and the upper part of his body around Pina's neck. hissing threateningly, ready to bite.

Pina "there is nothing-!... you can do-... that will scare me-!" he spat out as Ryuu began to squeeze him.

(Y/N) "is that what you think...?"

Ryuu snickered as he already knew what i was about to do.

i lowered Pina down and made him bend his knee so he looked up at me. i got closer to him and closed my eyes.

(Y/N) "Tell me... have you ever wondered where your mother is...?"

Pina "She's in a better place!"

(Y/N) "hah... hahahah...."

Pina "why? why are you laughing?"

(Y/N) "you're wrong..."

I opened my eyes wide and showed Pina the underworld. endless streams of souls swirl and scream in pain as they suffer through eternal torment in fiery madness. the skies are red and the rivers of blood carry those who couldn't make it to the land of the dead. their organs beneath the red waters eaten by the monstrous fish lurking beneath the waves only to regrow again and relive their torture.

I gave him glimpses of holy knights who have fallen. being stabbed, gutted, ripped apart and eaten by demons and past the valley of death, i showed him the soul of his mother. all manners of demons surround her, chewing on her flesh as she ran to try finding cover only to find more agony awaiting her. She howls out Pina's name to save her. not knowing that her son won't be there to ease her unmeasurable pain.

Pina "no... no... this... this isn't real! it can't be real!! she was a good woman!!"

(Y/N) "she killed your little sister didn't she?"

Pina "she... she had to... Tara was possessed...."

(Y/N) "she is a murderer... and murderers don't get to go Up."

i felt Pina stop resisting as i saw his terror turn into pure sorrow. he closed his eyes and tears began to stream the sides of his face as i let him go. the knight dropped to the ground on his knees, cried and screamed out all the sadness he felt in his heart.

Ryuu let go of him and returned to my side

i watched as Pina continued to cry out. it was amusing to see and it gave me much inspiration on what to do when i finally meet father... both Heaven and Hell won't be able to burden the pain he feels when i get to him...

when Pina started to calm down a bit, i spoke.

(Y/N) "you know... you could save her..."

Pina looked up at me, his face still a mess.

(Y/N) "I have direct access to the Underworld. i can send you there so you can help her. fend off the monsters hunting her and help her find a place to hide."

Pina looked down at the ground. i can tell that his oath as a holy knight hang only by a slim thread... it's only a matter of time before the weight of temptation makes it snap.

Pina "but... more will come for her... and I'm scared of staying at that dreadful place..."

(Y/N) "hmm... that is true... then how about i give you another offer."

i walked closer to him and kneeled in front of him. Pina looked at me. his face was a flurry of emotions. sadness, regret, fear, uncertainty, but the thing that takes my attention the most, is a glimmer of bravery.

(Y/N) "after you go to the underworld and find your mother, i can bring you two back to this world as demons."

the glimmer of hope in his eyes grew brighter and the cords of whatever humanity he has left begins to snap.

Pina "but... how will i go to the Underworld...?"

a smile made it's way to my face.

i held in front of him the Blade of Woe. Pina looked at it before looking at me with his eyes opened wide. his shaky hand came forth and slowly took the blade from mine. he looked at it in pure terror.

with a calm smile, i simply said;

(Y/N) "Do it for her..."

and the last thread of humanity in him was gone. Pina sat on his knees and looked at the floor. he raised the Blade of Woe high up but before he could plunge it down, i heard someone call him. my smile disappeared and i looked at the corner of my eye to see Gon at the edge of the arena calling out to Pina

Gon "Don't do it, Pina!"

Pina "what else... have i got to lose...."

Gon "maybe nothing... but other people would lose you. I would lose you!"

my eyes dotted back at Pina to see him barely clinging on to hope to live.

Gon "you told me that you'd become a hunter and avenge your family! that you'd be the best holy knight there is! will you really put all that down just for this one thing?!"

i looked at Gon directly this time. my patience slowly being chipped away by his words.

(Y/N) "stay out of this, Gon. this isn't your fight." i said sternly.

Ryuu hissed threateningly to emphasize my point but Gon seemingly ignored it.

Gon "back when i was paralyzed, you helped me and took care of me at your camp. you told me of what you wanted to do in the future and told me to meet you again after the exam! you promised to visit Whale Island with me! Im not gonna let all your dreams be ruined just by (Y/N)'s words!"

(Y/N) "last warning Gon. stay out of this."

Gon "I know you think that you can't beat him but i believe you can! I believe you can be the greatest holy knight ever!"


By my command, Ryuu charged towards Gon with his fangs jutted forward. If he wishes to intervene, then he'll do it at the cost of his life.

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