New Life

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(Y/N)'s POV

When the flames died down, Mom (Malphas), Ryu, and I were back in the living room where i was shot. After looking around and getting a grip of myself, I noticed something. An small item, round and hard was on my hand. Looking down I saw a hole on my shirt and a bullet that rolled lightly on my hand. Other than that, I was also sitting on a pool of blood - I assume mine from the shot.

Looking to my right was Malphas still with her hand on my shoulder, and to my left was Ryu with his hands clinging on to my arm with the bullet. They both looked at me with a worried face so i gave them a smile in return. After realizing I'm okay, they hugged me and let go after about 10 seconds.

I tried to stand up and almost tripped but was caught by Ryu who tossed my arm past his shoulders to support me. Mom also stood up to further support me.

(Y/N) "So... what are we gonna do now?"

Mom looked around for a bit, seeing the rotting wooden furniture broken along with blood splatters everywhere.

Malphas "Well... there's no use staying here any further is there? Come on, let's go."

(Y/N) "huh? Where are we going?"

Malphas "well we need to find some other place to live. I have a friend that will let us live with her until i can find a new place. Ryu, take (Y/N) there. I'll get the others and catch up later."

Ryu "you got it mom! Come on (Y/N)!"

(Y/N) "o-okay."

*a few minutes later*

Ryu held my hand as he took me to a house a good distance away from my old house. I'll be honest, it's nice to be away from all that. Like a breath of fresh air.

The house itself was large. I'd say enough to have at least 5 people in there. A lovely garden was in front of the house along with a table and umbrellas with three chairs surrounding it. I could also see a backyard with a shed.

Ryu walked to the front of the door and clicked the door bell. A loud though muffled chime was heard outside, along with a woman's voice soon after.

??? "Yes?"

She says in a sing-song voice as she opened the door. After looking down slightly, she noticed Ryu and immediately pulled him into a hug.

??? "*gasp* OH RYUUU~ why didn't you tell me you were coming, dear? I would have prepared food for you!"

Ryu gasped for air while in her hug of death. Through the struggles he managed to choke out "Auntie.. you're- crushing me-"

It was then that she noticed me standing awkwardly behind Ryu.

??? "*gasp* who's this?"

She says as she finally lets go of Ryu. I looked past her to see him gasping desperately for air and cracking his back.

Ryu "this... is (Y/N). He's my new-"

Before Ryu could finish, the woman's eyes suddenly glimmered brightly and cut him of.

??? "OOH~ Aww Ryuu you didn't tell me you finally got a boyfriend~"

....excusez moi?

Ryu "What?! No!-"

She then shook my hand excitedly.

??? "Helloo! So very nice to meet you! I'm Minerva! Daww you're so cute! Ryu got lucky!"

(Y/N) "But... I'm not..."

Ryu "Mom!!"

Ryu suddenly shouting that seemed to take all our attentions as we all looked to a tall figure walking towards us with two kids walking beside her. The two kids must be the snakes that shape-shifted.

Minerva "Malphas darling!"

Minerva let go of me and walked over to mom. I took the chance to run over to Ryu's side. I looked him up and down, his hair was a mess, he's breathing heavily, and his back is hunched probably from being crushed by Minerva. Not only that, but he was burning red i assume from being embarrassed to heck by Minerva. I wanted to inquire about it.

(Y/N) "so-"

Ryu "Not a word..."

Hahah. I guess not then.

Minerva then walked past us with mom and invited us into her house. We all walked in and saw a decently sized living room with a large TV. The living room itself had two sofas, three comfy looking chairs, a coffee table, a wardrobe and a bookcase along with a fluffy rug. The house looked very nice, much nicer than mine definitely.

Minerva directed us all to sat down. I sat on one of the long sofas, to my right was Ryu and to my left were the two other kids whose name I've yet to know.

Mom sat on the other sofa and soon Minerva joined in and sat next to mom after bringing a tray of tea, milk, and cookies. She asked about me and mom explained the whole story.

*a few minutes later*

Minerva looked at me with sympathy.

Minerva "oh you poor thing... I'm sorry all that happened to you... but don't you worry! Here, you'll be treated like royalty!"

(Y/N) "that's not necessary-"

Minerva "nonsense! Ryu go take him up to the guest room at the end of the hallway, that has the best view. You can set up there too, the bed is big. You two, you can take the room next to that. It has bunk beds and a movie player."

Malphas "Alright, go on kids. I'll start searching for a new place to stay."

Minerva "Oh no you are not!! You went through enough trouble for today, go sleep in the guest room down here and I'll ready some food!"

Malphas "but Minerva-"

Minerva "no buts!! You're relaxing for the next week, I'll ask my friend to start searching for a place."

Malphas "Alright alright... but don't you think you're being too generous?"

Minerva "are you kidding me? For you and your sons, I'll do the impossible. It's the least i could do for all the help you've given me, Malphas..."

Malphas "alright, think nothing of it. I'll go to my room then."

Minerva "Good! Now shoo all of you! Go rest! Let auntie Minerva take care of everything!"

And with that we went up to our room and mom stayed on the ground floor (first floor for Americans) to her room.

Ryu and I went into our room and I was instantly blown away. It's huge! The bed looks to be king-sized, there's a table with a flat screen TV facing the bed, a large open room at the center, a window that opens to the front of the house and one that opens to the side. There's an air conditioner, a reading nook at the corner and lots of other cool things.

(Y/N) "Wooaaahhh!"

Ryu "Hahah! You like it?"

(Y/N) "heck yeah i like it!"

Ryu "Get used to it! From here on out we're gonna be living like kings ya hear me?"

I can't wait to see what this new life will bring me. If it's anything like this, it's sure to be more interesting than what I'm used to! But that's a problem for later. I'm beat and it looks like Ryu shares that. Hey the bed looks comfy...


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