Badge 404

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Just a quick reminder that all Ryuu says in snake form is only understood by the reader. Everyone else only hears hisses.

(Y/N)'s POV

Finally! Sweet air at last! And a boat trip to boot! Im sitting between Killua and Gon on the boat's wooden floor with Ryuu coiling behind me as a seat and laying his head on my shoulders.

We were given the general idea of the next trial. Get the badge from either your target, or three randoms. Your own badge is worth three points and we need six points to pass. Simple enough. The number i need to get is 404.

...wait. Gon is 405, Leorio is 403 which means... oh poo.

Killua "hey. Let's reveal who's badge we need to get!"

Gon "sure! You up for it (Y/N)?"

(Y/N) "uuuhhh... no hard feelings if it happens to be one of our friends?"

Goon looked at me with a raised eyebrow meanwhile Killua had an amused grin, knowing exactly why im hesitant.

Gon "it was a fair distribution so no hard feelings! Alright. Let's reveal in 3... 2..."

Killua's mind "please be the old man! Please be the old man! Please be-"

Gon "1...!"

(Y/N) "i got Kurapika."

Killua's mind "son of a-!"

(Y/N) "so that's 404."

Killua "i got 197."

Gon "i got 44."

Killua, Ryuu, and i all gave Gon a wide-eyed stare. Of all people...

Gon, if i could trade with you i would believe me. That clown is much less a threat to me than he is to you but even in that case, i'd still curse my luck if i had to get his badge.

Ryuu "welp. He's dead."

Killua "wow. You have rotten luck."

(Y/N) "any possibility to trade? Im not as easy to kill as you."

Gon "guys! Guys! It's fine. Besides, i don't think we can trade. And i don't think i'll be able to fight Kurapika anyway."

Killua and I had our doubts but there was nothing we could do...


I sat on a tree branch with Ryuu coiling at my feet.

(Y/N) "what should we do? If we take his badge now, he'll be able to regain points later. If we kill 3 people at random then i guess that would also work but that'll thin out the group too much. The less people there are, the more likely our last phase with our friends will turn out fatal."

Ryuu "i'd say take the badge from him now. So he'll have time to get others."

Hmm... compared to my other options, i guess that has the smoothest outcome...

Before i dropped down from my tree, i did one more thing. I took my badge from out my bag and hung it atop Ryuu's head. He looked up and opened his mouth wide then swallowed it whole. That should make thinhs harder for people who want to take my badge.

Ryuu taught me that trick to hide games that we bought from the twins. Kami and Tani are great all things considered but man do they cling to mom. Whenever we don't give them anything, they'll go tattle us out and mom will force us to give it to them. Thankfully now we can hide it! Anyway.

I hopped down from the tree with Ryuu following behind me. He then began to twist and contort. Transforming from a snake to a little bird and flying off. Presumably to find Kurapika.

*Small Timeskip*

I stood in front of Kurapika and Leorio with Ryuu now back in his snake form coiled next to me. The air was tense as each of us just stared eachother down. I haven't said a word to them but it doesn't take a genius to figure out why im here.

Leorio "you know, if you were Gon i'd ask what you're doing here, but you're not so i can take a guess. So which one of us is it?"

(Y/N) "Kurapika."

Kurapika flinched and Ryuu hissed threateningly.

(Y/N) "i don't want to fight you. Give me the badge and i'll be on my way."

Kurapika slowly pulled out his nunchucks and Leorio pulled out a small knife.

Ryuu "hah! Like that'll do anything to us!"

(Y/N) "please. If i kill random people, there's a big chance i might have to kill you guys as well at the final phase since there'll be so few people. Give me the badge and no one will-"

Rustling. From the bushes to my right!

I quickly moved out of the way of a crossbow bolt that was aimed for my head. Great. This guy again.

Lo and behold Pina crawled out the buches and stood with his crossbow aimed at me.

Pina "you are my target. Hand over your badge and face judgement."

(Y/N) "hand it over AND face judgement? Yeah sorry, no can do."

Ryuu then said in a sing-song voice.

Ryuu "let's kill this guy and then eat his arms off nom-nom-nom~"

Pina "what did your snake say?"

(Y/N) "nothing. Hey, could you go away for now. Im in the middle of something here."

Pina then looked at Kurapika and Leorio and then back to me.

Pina "are one of them your targets?"

Ryuu "i don't think that's any of your damn business!"

(Y/N) "yes."

Pina then shot another bolt. This time, i cought it in my hands. Flames emerged as i heat the bolt up in my palm and it melted into bright hot liquid silver that dripped to the ground.

Pina took a step back, shocked at what i did. He then pulled out a sword and charged at me. I dodged it fairly easily and after he missed his swing, i ordered;

(Y/N) "Ryuu. Paralyze him."

Ryuu "with pleasure~"

Ryuu bit Pina's stomach and it only took a few seconds before...


I searched his armour a bit before pulling out his badge and offering it to Kurapika.

(Y/N) "here. He's your target isn't he? I'll trade it for your badge and you can find the last three somewhere else."

Kurapika looked at me in wonder.

Kurapika "how did you know he was my target?"

(Y/N) "you were about to attack him when he was distracted fighting me. You would have no reason to attack unless you needed his badge."

Kurapika stayed silent for a bit before pulling his badge out his bag and handing it over to me. He then took the one that i was offering him and slid that into his bag.

(Y/N) "thanks! I'll be off now. You two should probably start searching. I saw the guy with the monkey over there if you wanna go for him. He's really clever but not too strong. Get the jump on him and you'll be fine."

Kurapika "alright. Thank you."

Leorio "what about him?"

I looked back at the still paralyzed Pina.

(Y/N) "depending on how much Ryuu injected, he could be like that for either two hours, or a whole day."

I walked over and awkwardly kick him into some bushes and left.

I hung Kurapika's badge over Ryuu's head and dropped it. He swallowed the badge whole and my side of the game is safe. Now to wait out the rest of the three days. Hmm... i wonder if there's a cave somewhere... i'd love to read my spell book again.

Maybe i'll search for Killua too...

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