Trick Tower

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(Y/N)'s POV

By morning, we made it to the next phase of the exam. We arrived a bit later than scheduled, wonder what that's all about but never the less, we're here. We were told that in order to finish this phase, we must get to the base of the tower.

Right now i stood next to Killua and Ryuu outside the airship as all three of us looked around, searching for a certain spiky haired green boy.

Killua "see him anywhere?"

(Y/N) "nope."

Ryuu "there he is! With... oh."

I looked at the direction Ryuu was facing, my sudden moves seemed to take Killua's attention towards there too.

We saw Gon walking towards us with someone next to him. A certain person with white armour but boots and only the upper part of his armourd pants.

Killua "Gon! There you are! Idiot, we thought you overslept."

Gon "yeah sorry. I kinda did. That game yesterday made me really tired." Gon said while rubbing the back of his head.

Killua "and who's that with you?"

Gon "oh this is Pina! He's a knight. He joined me at playing the game with Mr. Netero last night after you three left."

Killua "i see..."

It didn't take long for Pina to look at me again. Jeez this guy is weird. He looks emotionless. His eyes are constantly peeled wide open, his voice has no note to it and sits at the same vocal range constantly.

Ryuu "what happened to your shoes? Got bitten by an aligator?"

(Y/N) "pfft"

Ryuu and i started laughing. Obviously, no one else understood him so they just looked at us with a questioning gaze.

Killua "what's so funny (Y/N)?"

(Y/N) "oh nothing. Just an inside joke Ryuu told me."

Pina "you. You are the de-"

Before he finished that sentence, i got behind him and held his mouth shut with my hand while puttint the other one in front of his neck and right below his throat.

(Y/N) "haha! Yeah. Let's just move on to the exam shall we?"

I got into his mind and contacted him telepathicaly.

(Y/N) "look. You can try and kill me if you want, but don't bring my friends into this by telling them what i am. Unless you want me to turn other, more permanent, parts of your body to rock. A kidney stone may be a treatable disease, but i can give that a more literal meaning, should you wish..."

He got the message and just nodded.

I let go of him and walked back to Killua's side with Ryuu following close behind.

Pina "well Gon, this is goodbye for now. I will take my leave and begin my own search to try and get to the bottom of the tower."

Gon "aww but why not search with us?"

Pina "as much as i would like that, i seem to be... unwelcomed..."

Pina began walking away as Killua, Ryuu, and I all trained a menacing gaze towards him.

Gon "you guys! Why were you so mean to him?"

Killua "i didn't like him." He said with a shrug.

(Y/N) "glad we're on the same page, Killua." He looked at me and gave me a small smile.

Killua "come on. Let's just begin searching for an enterance." Killua began walking away, Ryuu and I followed with Gon begrudgingly catching up to us.

*a few minutes later.*

We got together with Kurapika and Leorio as Gon and Killua explained what happened.

Killua "back there, we saw someome fall through the floor, but when we took a look at it, the floor wouldn't budge."

Gon "so we think it's only a one time use!"

Kurapika "i see. I suppose that makes sense."

Leorio "alright. Now all we need to do is find one and go down."

Gon "well there is one over here, but there's another one over there too. And there, and there. There's a lot around here!"

Killua "so we think we should all go down at the same time, and meet at up again the base of the tower!"

Gon "mhm! And no hard feelings if one of these turns out to be a trap!"

(Y/N) "t-the four of us have decided on this. What about you two?"

Leorio "fine by me."

Kurapika "no objections here."

Gon "alright!"

Ryuu wrapped himself on my neck like a scarf so we'd count as one. We all got on our places and readied to jump.

Kurapika "i guess this is farewell for now."

Gon "yep! On Go. Three... two... one... GO!"

all of us jumped to the side and dropped.

I landed on my feet as i looked to the side to see Killua, Kurapika, Gon, and... Leorio face down on the concrete. How on earth is he still alive...?

Gon and Killua looked at eachother and laughed awkwardly.

Kurapika "well that was a short farewell..."

(Y/N) "i guess we're just destined to suffer eachother's company."

Killua "heh. Look at you being all poetic. Don't use too many big words, Gon might short circut."

We both laughed as we walked together leaving poor Gon sulking at the back of the room.

Gon "you two are bullies!"

At one of the walls was a pannel with five bracelets. Kurapika read all the boring stuff, in short: this trial requires us to work together. The voice of the examinor afterwards only confirms Kurapika's theory.

Five bracelets and five people along with a snake. Seems fine my me.

We all took a bracelet and put it on.

The panel then changed, saying to press O to open the door and X to stay here.

We all pressed and it looks to be 4 O's and 1 X. Wonder who wants to stay here.

Leorio "what the- alright who's messing around?!"

Gon "sorry Leorio, it was me. My hand slipped."

Leorio "wha- how could you miss?! There's only two buttons!"

We began to walk past him

Killua "jeez. Calm down old man."

(Y/N) "the door is open anyway."

Leorio begrudgingly let gon off the hook as we all continued to the next room. Oh boy, i can already tell that Leorio is just a bit shorter than the rest of us when it comes to mental fortitude. Ironic due to his physical height compared to ours. His yelling isn't gonna be fun...

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