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(Y/N)'s POV

I woke up to the sound of some ruckus going on downstairs. I heard.. basically everyone talking.

Getting up and streatching for a few seconds then opening the door, i saw the twins at the top of the stairs looking down. I walked over to them and asked.

(Y/N) "what's going on?"

Kami answered "Ryu said something about you and now everyone is arguing." He said as he pointed down at them.

I looked past the twins and saw mom, aunt Minerva, and Ryuu all arguing about something. I sent the twins to their room and went down to see if i can help with the situation.

Ryuu "he wants to find his dad! Doesn't he at least deserve the chance for revenge?"

Malphas "but the Hunter's Exam is dangerous! Only 1/10 come back alive and that's one of the best results they have! On some years, no one comes back at all!"

Minerva "but isn't he a demon now? He should be unkillable by normal weapons."

Malphas "yes, but those who join the Exam in the first place aren't usually 'normal' people."

(Y/N) "what's going on?"

All three of them looked at me in shock.

Malphas "ah you're awake dear, why not you go have breakfast? Nothing is going on here."

Ryuu "Mom. He has to know."

Malphas "no he doesn't."

(Y/N) "know what?"

Ryuu "Im not sure what he is, but your dad used some sort of magic that made it impossible for me to track him down. But there is a way for you to find him and maybe even get to him. But in order to do that, you need some way to go into areas that may even be illegal to most. You need a hunter's license."

(Y/N) "hunter's license?"

Ryuu "the hunter exam is going down next year. You can train your powers and join."

I looked at mom, she looked at Ryuu with dissapointment first and then to me with sadness.

Malphas "*sigh* well you already know so there's no point in hiding it but... please don't go... it's dangerous... i don't want to lose you..."

Oh i see what's going on.

I looked at mom and gave her a warm smile to calm her down.

(Y/N) "mom, i've survived 10 years of being abused to no end. If i can do this, i can finally get pay back for all those years i suffered under them. If there's any way to track that slimy bastard down, i'll take it."

Mom sighed and aunt Minerva walked over to her side and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

Minerva "he's just like me isn't he? Back when we were young, we also wanted to kill our dad. And we wouldn't have done it if we didn't take our chance. Will you really shoot down his?"

Malphas ".... fine.... go freshen up. I'll take you to the training grounds. And Ryuu, since you're the one dragging him into this, you're gonna join the exam too!"

Ryuu "heh finally. Something fun to do."

*At the Training Ground*

Mom brought Ryuu and I to what looks to be an old ruin. I stood next to Ryui as she stood across from us.

Malphas "alright i guess we're doing this. The two of you are special amonst demons, your biggest advantage is that you are connected and i want to focus on that point today."

'Connected'? Like what she said about our souls being split?

Malphas "(Y/N). I want you to think about Ryuu and what he may be seeing right now. Ryuu, take a few steps back look towards a random direction, make sure (Y/N) doesn't know what you're looking at. Now (Y/N), focus... think about what Ryuu may be seeing."

What? How does that work? Alright alright. Focus...

I closed my eyes and thought about Ryuu in general. Oddly enough, i do feel like i see a blurry image of... me? Wait.. is that...?

Malphas "Do you see something?"

(Y/N) "yes.. i- i see the ruins we are in. The image is blurry but i think i see... me?"

I then opened my eyes and looked at mom. She had a smike on her face. I looked behind me and saw Ryuu still in the angle of where i would have seen that image giving me a thumbs up!

So i was seeing through his eyes!

Malphas "i'll admit, i didn't think you'd do it on your first try. Then again, you are particularly gifted when it comes to magic."

Ryuu "good job bro!"

Malphas "now, let's try it again, see if you can sharpen the image. If you manage to do that, we'll go on to the next step, if you can see through Ryuu's eyes without having to close your eyes. It may take a few days so take don't force yourself."

Mom then turned to look at Ryuu who by this point has moved to next to me.

Malphas "Ryuu, after (Y/N) is done, it's your turn to try seeing through his eyes."

Ryuu "*whispering* i think i'll try this power when you're taking a bath~"

I blushed and pushed his face away.

(Y/N) "Eeeew Ryuu you pervert!"

Ryuu just laughed and then the training continued.

*Bonus Clip!*

I sat at the toilet in the bathroom hesitant to take of my undies because of what Ryuu said back there at training. Dang it Ryuu! Now im really self-conscious!

Uugghh i used to love taking baths but now im just sacred! ; ^ ;

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