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(Y/N)'s POV

Ryuu and i are enjoying our time in the arcade. It's definitely all new to me! The flashing lights, the noises, the games! We managed to go through a lot and now we're playing a shooter game and im trying to get a higher score that Ryuu.

Hm... Ryuu isn't giving me an advantage even though this is my first time playing. I wonder if magic can help me...

I looked at the screen and imagined Ryuu's score slowly dropping. At first nothing was happening, but as i focused my thoughts and relaxed my body, it worked! I saw Ryuu's score drop from 100.000 to 90.000 to 80.000!

Ryuu was so focused that i don't even think he noticed. With the handicap i gave him, i started playing again. Seeing as im still way behind, i imagined my score going up as well. Sorry Ryuu, but you gotta do what you gotta do to win!

Ryuu "that's bullshit! I totally had more points than you!"

(Y/N) "sorry bro, but you saw it yourself, machines don't lie."

Ryuu "man, that game's rigged."

(Y/N) "hey cheer up! Let's go play something else!"

Ryuu "what? You're still not tired?"

(Y/N) "No! This is the most fun i've ever had!"

Ryuu "dude, it's getting dark. Mom's gonna kill me if i don't bring you back."

(Y/N) "oh come on! Just one more game, pleeaaassee?"

I gave Ryuu my special attack: Puppy Dog Eyes!

Ryuu "Don't look at me like that..."

He's breaking.

Ryuu "noo..."

Almost there...

Ryuu "goddamnit. Fine! Just one more game."

(Y/N) "Yaayy!!"

*2 hours later*

Ryuu and i are walking back to the house in the dark. Unfortunately we got carried away while playing a certain gorey 1 v 1 fighting game and lost track of time.

Ryuu "damn it! I knew we should've stopped on the third round!"

(Y/N) "hey it's fine. You... know the way back right?"

Ryuu "yeah i do. Just be ready to get blasted out of your mind when mom yells at you."

(Y/N) "She's gonna yell at you too!"

Ryuu "yeah. But unlike you, im used to it. I go home late a lot. And just between us, i never paid attention to any of her lessons on dark magic."

(Y/N) "huh? Why?"

Ryuu "the ability to shapeshift is all i need. I can turn into a snake for combat and poisoning enemies, i can turn into a cat whenever i want to blend in, and i can even turn into a monkey and scratch my ass without anyone judging me."

(Y/N) "ew..."

Ryuu "you'd do it too if you could."

(Y/N) "i'll pass."

Ryuu "your loss."

Our walk contined in silence for the next few minutes. The cold air is refreshing and the occasional cars going by adds a break from looking at the people walking all around us.

Ryuu "hey..."

(Y/N) "hm?"

Ryuu "how you holding up?"

Well this is unecpected. Ryuu's tone changed from his rebelious bad-boy attitude to a much more mellowed out one.

(Y/N) "huh? What do you mean?"

Ryuu "well. Between the new body, new house, powers, and having to trade half your soul with me. I just wanted to make sure you're okay."

(Y/N) "Im fine. It's a bit confusing but i try not to think too much about it."

Ryuu "good. Just... tell me if anything's wrong. Okay?"

(Y/N) "okay..."

Another moment of silence. Im gonna be honest, there is sonething that's been bothering me...

(Y/N) "hey Ryuu..."

Ryuu "what's up?"

(Y/N) "what happened to my dad?"

Ryuu still walked just with a different pace. And after a while of thinking, he answered.

Ryuu "the bastard got away. I wanted to chase him but we had to tend to you first."

(Y/N) "..."

Ryuu "sorry i couldn't get him."

(Y/N) "is there a way for us to find him?"

Ryuu "hmm... there might be but im gonna have to do some searching. I'll see what i can dig up after we get back."

(Y/N) "alright..."

Ryuu "i assume you want revenge?"

(Y/N) "im still not sure what i want to do with him, wheather i want to kill him or just find him and show him that im not dead. Im still not sure. But what i do know is that i have to find him."

Ryuu "i understand. And i'll make sure you do."

Malphas "there you two are! I've been looking all over for you!"

We both turned around just as mom kneeled and hugged us. She then frantically looked at me and Ryuu, lifting our arms and looking all around us.

Malphas "you're not hurt are you? Did anything happen? Is everything alright?"

Ryuu answered in a sassy teenager tone

Ryuu "we're fine mom, nothing happened and everything is alright. You always do this. Every time i go out and not come back an hour later, you always think the world is ending."

Malphas "I'll have you know that it's a mother's job to be worried for her children!... but this time, i do have a good reason to worry."

She then slowly turned her head to me.

Malphas "now then! Let's go back home. Minerva has already made dinner for you and i'd be damned if you're eating it cold."

Purple flames surrounded us and before i knew it, we were back at Mimerva's house.

Huh. I wonder why Ryuu didn't just teleport? Oh right, because he can't. He never paid attention to mom.

Ryuu immediately went to the table without even washing his hands. Again, ew. Ah well i guess i'll go take a bath and then eat. All those games we played really made me hungry.

*after (Y/N) is asleep*

Ryuu's POV

I sat on the sofa in the living room alone and typed a number on my phone. I hit the call button then brought it to my ear and wait.

Debbie "hello?"

Ryuu "Deb. It's me."

Debbie "what are you calling me for? It's like the middle of the night."

Ryuu "do you know how to get into the Hunter's Exam?"

Debbie "what... what are you up to? What do you want with a Hunter's license? Ryuu, do you have any idea how-"

Ryuu "just answer the question, Deb."

Debbie "....yes.... i do."

Ryuu "alright. Send me the details."

Debbie "*sigh* i hope you know what you're doing."

Ryuu "don't worry about me, i'll be fine."

Debbie "i sent it. It's all in that file, just read it and follow the instructions."

Ryuu "alright. Thanks Deb. Stay safe."

Debbie " too."

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